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Releases: SergeyFilippov/openwrt

v24.0: Official Snapshot of current main

26 Jun 20:26
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A snapshot build of OpenWrt for e8350 using firmware selector (image builder).


  • Minimal build with LUCI
  • USB storage and tether kmods included
  • All kmods for this specific build are also attached (6.6.35...tar.gz)
  • Easy package installation vie GUI available (all non-kmod packages can be installed from official repos)
List of packages used for image generation

ath10k-board-qca988x ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct base-files busybox ca-bundle cgi-io dnsmasq dropbear firewall4 fstools fwtool getrandom hostapd-common iw iwinfo jansson4 jshn jsonfilter kernel kmod-ata-ahci kmod-ata-ahci-platform kmod-ata-core kmod-ath kmod-ath10k-ct kmod-cfg80211 kmod-crypto-acompress kmod-crypto-aead kmod-crypto-ccm kmod-crypto-cmac kmod-crypto-crc32c kmod-crypto-ctr kmod-crypto-gcm kmod-crypto-geniv kmod-crypto-gf128 kmod-crypto-ghash kmod-crypto-hash kmod-crypto-hmac kmod-crypto-manager kmod-crypto-null kmod-crypto-rng kmod-crypto-seqiv kmod-crypto-sha3 kmod-crypto-sha512 kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fuse kmod-gpio-button-hotplug kmod-hwmon-core kmod-leds-gpio kmod-lib-crc-ccitt kmod-lib-crc16 kmod-lib-crc32c kmod-lib-lzo kmod-mac80211 kmod-mii kmod-nf-conntrack kmod-nf-conntrack6 kmod-nf-flow kmod-nf-log kmod-nf-log6 kmod-nf-nat kmod-nf-reject kmod-nf-reject6 kmod-nfnetlink kmod-nft-core kmod-nft-fib kmod-nft-nat kmod-nft-offload kmod-nls-base kmod-phy-qcom-ipq806x-usb kmod-ppp kmod-pppoe kmod-pppox kmod-scsi-core kmod-slhc kmod-usb-core kmod-usb-dwc3 kmod-usb-dwc3-qcom kmod-usb-ehci kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport kmod-usb-net kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb-storage kmod-usb-xhci-hcd kmod-usb2 kmod-usb3 libatomic1 libblobmsg-json20240329 libc libevdev libgcc1 libiwinfo-data libiwinfo20230701 libjson-c5 libjson-script20240329 liblua5.1.5 liblucihttp-lua liblucihttp-ucode liblucihttp0 libmbedtls21 libmnl0 libnftnl11 libnl-tiny1 libpthread librt libubox20240329 libubus-lua libubus20231128 libuci20130104 libuclient20201210 libucode20230711 libudebug libudev-zero libusb-1.0-0 libustream-mbedtls20201210 logd lua luci-app-firewall luci-app-opkg luci-base luci-lib-base luci-lib-ip luci-lib-jsonc luci-lib-nixio luci-light luci-lua-runtime luci-mod-admin-full luci-mod-network luci-mod-status luci-mod-system luci-proto-ipv6 luci-proto-ppp luci-theme-bootstrap mtd netifd nftables-json odhcp6c odhcpd-ipv6only openwrt-keyring opkg ppp ppp-mod-pppoe procd procd-seccomp procd-ujail rpcd rpcd-mod-file rpcd-mod-iwinfo rpcd-mod-luci rpcd-mod-rrdns rpcd-mod-ucode ubi-utils uboot-envtools ubox ubus ubusd uci uclient-fetch ucode ucode-mod-fs ucode-mod-html ucode-mod-lua ucode-mod-math ucode-mod-nl80211 ucode-mod-rtnl ucode-mod-ubus ucode-mod-uci ucode-mod-uloop uhttpd uhttpd-mod-ubus urandom-seed urngd usbids usbutils usign wifi-scripts wireless-regdb wpad-basic-mbedtls

v22.03: Linksys e8350 support addded to OpenWrt + Quantenna driver

25 Jun 07:42
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Linksys e8350 support addded to OpenWrt v22.03 + Quantenna driver (v22 release branch).

This is the final release for v22 branch with the latest available Quantenna firmware/driver included.

5GHz has no official support from OpenWrt, this why it's not possible to configure the driver from Web UI interface.
Included just for those who really want OpenWrt and somewhat functional 5GHz radio.

Hardware config:

5GHz Radio driver works with bugs; configuration only via /etc/rc.local
2.4GHz Radio works as expected
LAN/WAN works as expected
USB1/USB2 works as expected
MAC addresses are properly assigned

Software config:

Packages from official repos are available and working
kmod packages from official repos will not work (kernel version will not match)
Latest snapshot from main, including latest package feeds (no package upgrades required at the moment)

Included packages:

Most of available and compilable kernel mod packages are attached
All other packages can be installed from official repositories

OpenWrt v22.03 unofficial. No 5GHz Radio

25 Jun 07:40
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Linksys e8350 support addded to OpenWrt v22.03 (snapshot of main branch).

Hardware config:

  • No support for 5GHz antenna
  • 2.4 Radio works as expected
  • LAN/WAN works as expected
  • USB1/USB2 works as expected

Software config:

  • Packages from official repos are available and working
  • kmod packages will not work (kernel version will not match)
  • Latest snapshot from main, including latest package feeds (no package upgrades required at the moment)
  • Samba4 and usb-storage by default in image
  • TTYD, Statistics, UPnP, QoS luci packages preinstalled

Included packages:

  • Most of available and compilable kernel mod packages are attached
  • All other packages can be installed from official repositories

Resulting firmware version: OpenWrt 22.03-SNAPSHOT r20319-a91804f216 / LuCI openwrt-22.03 branch git-24.067.02332-4c1ddfb

v20-snapshot: Original OpenWrt build by @tcolov

25 Jun 07:26
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The great job was made by @tcolov and we have those bins now.

Publishing those to be available online again.
For instruction please follow OpenWRT wiki guide