Tweetypy is a Machine learning app that can create own tweets by learning from user posts or top trend tweets using Markov chain. It can also create wordclouds based upon received twitter data. You can check him out at @TweetyPy
Clone this repo and install requirements.txt
$ git clone
$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
NOTE: TweetyPy uses Twitter API to send and read tweets, the keys are stored on the server
To run the bot you need to specify your own keys. To get Twitter API tokens please check out - How to get access to the Twitter API
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(os.getenv("API_key", "optional-default"), os.getenv("API_secret", "optional-default"))
auth.set_access_token(os.getenv("AT_token", "optional-default"), os.getenv("AT_secret", "optional-default"))
Right now TweetyPy uses Heroku config vars to get and store these API tokens
- Change API variables with your Twitter API keys. Check out Installation step to see where you can get Twitter API tokens
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(your_API_key, your_API_secret) # Your API keys here
auth.set_access_token(your_AT_token, your_AT_secret) # Your AI keys here
- Run
file inTweetyPy
$ cd TweetyPy
$ python
Bot is now running on Heroku. Using
it reads and posts tweets every 4 hours
All bugs, feature requests, pull requests, feedback, etc., are welcome. Create an issue