####A forward proxy to assist testing of exchange active sync protocol
- Passthrough proxy that prints everything out to console
- return 401, 500 selectively by calling the new API
- return long timeout, drop calls selectively by calling API
- return EAS sync invalid key if specified, the OSX app 'runner' is used to decode wbxml.
- A new certificate is created for every host using my own ROOT CA, so client under test has to accept that
- new API can be added to aid in other tests
####This proxy is built on top of the following libraries :
- Node.js - Application Server
- node-http-proxy - The real javascript proxy
- node-minimist - command line arguments parser
- pem - Create private keys and certificates with node.js
####Installation & Setup & usage
- npm install
- ./proxy.js
- ./proxy.js -v -s -h vmware.com
- -p port: specify the port to use, default is 3000
- -h hostname: specify which host we will be monitoring, default is All
- -s when set, we will ignore SSL errors from the server side(accept self signed cert)
- -r when set, all headers/body will be print out to the console
- -v when set, all exchange active sync commands will be printed on the console(OSX app 'runnner' is required for the parsing)
###New API endpoints:
- /api/testproxy/actions
- /api/testproxy/actions?return401=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?return500=5
- /api/testproxy/actions?droprequest=3
- /api/testproxy/actions?longtimeout=2
- /api/testproxy/actions?passthrough=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?syncinvalidkey=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?foldersyncerror500=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?foldersyncerror401=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?syncprotocolerror=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?syncerror500=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?syncerror401=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?syncerrordrop=1
- /api/testproxy/actions?protocolerror=1
The setters can be combined, so '/api/testproxy/actions?return401=2&passthrough=3&return500=1' will send out two 401 followed by three passthrough, then one 500.
A call to the endpoint without any action will clear the pending actions
Note that the sequence of these command is straightly followed.
A new call will clear all the counters so you have fresh start everytime calling this API endpoint.