An universal Dear ImGui Hook for Directx12 D3D12 (D3D11, D3D10 and maybe Vulkan will be added later)
- This project is based on
- To use it, you need to compile it and inject your dll file in an application process.
- If you have an error about
, recompile in x64 and replace the old .lib file by your new one.
- ImGui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- Kiero - Kiero: Universal graphical hook for a D3D9-D3D12, OpenGL and Vulcan based games.
- MinHook - The Minimalistic x86/x64 API Hooking Library for Windows
- Rebzzel - Initial work - Rebzzel
- Sh0ckFR | Revan600 - Updated version with ImGui + InputHook - Sh0ckFR - Revan600
- primemb - Fixed some bugs, active member - primemb
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
The original licence of the Kiero library can be found here: LICENSE