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Directory of Plants
sealchan1 edited this page Jun 14, 2019
11 revisions
This is a list of all Plants added by the mod. This list is in alphabetical order, by localized (en_US) name.
An album of all plants (2/12/2017) in no particular order can be found here.
- Aechmea Amicorum
- African Lily
- Albuca Fastigiata
- Aloe Ballii
- Alonsoa Meridionalis
- Alpine Rock Jasmine
- Annual Ragweed
- Arfaj
- Argocoffeopsis Lemblinii
- Asian Copperleaf
- Astilbe Crenatiloba
- Austral Bugle
- Balcanicus Bear's Breeches
- Basket Plant
- Begonia Eiromischa
- Biennial Hollyhock
- Black Nightshade
- Black Raspberry
- Brachystelma Schoenlandianum
- Broadleaf Plantain
- Burnt Candytuft
- Canary Island Flatpod
- Cape Gorse
- Carolina Horsenettle
- Cephalophyllum Parvulum
- Chinese Honeysuckle
- Chocolate Vine
- Climbing Nightshade
- Clove
- Common Milkweed
- Corncockle
- Crassula Subulata
- Creeping Yellowcress
- Cry Violet
- Cutleaf Toothwort
- Devil's Cotton
- Doll's Eyes
- Dyer's Alkanet
- Dysentery Bush
- Everlasting Pea
- Eytelia
- Florist's Daisy
- Flowering Onion
- Galapagos Flower
- Garlic Mustard
- Ghost Orchid
- Giant Ragweed
- Gloriosa Daisy
- Goatweed
- Great White Trillium
- Heart's Delight
- Indian Hellebore
- Isolepis Vulbifera
- Italian Bugloss
- Japanese Lady Bell
- Kan Pai Mahidol
- Kudzu Flower
- Lace Flower
- Lenten Rose
- Magarza
- Magic Flower
- March Lily
- Marsh Foxtail
- Mountain Fringe
- Narthecium Americanum
- Nemesia Micrantha
- Okra
- Orange Balsam
- Orange Milkweed
- Parrot Flower
- Peony
- Pepper Vine
- Philippine Amesiella
- Pineapple
- Pink Corydalis
- Pink Turkish Shrublet
- Pluchea Glutinosa
- Pokeweed
- Prince's Feather
- Psoralea Cataracta
- Psoralea Macrophylla
- Red Centered Hibiscus
- Rock Speedwell
- Rock Thyme
- Saffron
- Saint Helena Heliotrope
- Scarlet Pimpernel
- Silver Hairgrass
- Snow Aciphyll
- Snowdrop
- South American Rose
- Streblorrhiza Speciosa
- Stringwood
- Sumatra Dipterocarpus
- Summer Lilac
- Summer Pheasant's Eye
- Summer Snowflakes
- Terrestrial Orchid
- Thismia Americana
- Tronadora
- White Forsythia
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Cotton
- Winged Everlasting
- Yarrow
- Yellow Fumewort
- Yellow Rocketcress
Additional plants (to be added into the alphabetized list above at some point)