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Directory of Plants

sealchan1 edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 11 revisions

This is a list of all Plants added by the mod. This list is in alphabetical order, by localized (en_US) name.
An album of all plants (2/12/2017) in no particular order can be found here.

  1. Aechmea Amicorum
  2. African Lily
  3. Albuca Fastigiata
  4. Aloe Ballii
  5. Alonsoa Meridionalis
  6. Alpine Rock Jasmine
  7. Annual Ragweed
  8. Arfaj
  9. Argocoffeopsis Lemblinii
  10. Asian Copperleaf
  11. Astilbe Crenatiloba
  12. Austral Bugle
  13. Balcanicus Bear's Breeches
  14. Basket Plant
  15. Begonia Eiromischa
  16. Biennial Hollyhock
  17. Black Nightshade
  18. Black Raspberry
  19. Brachystelma Schoenlandianum
  20. Broadleaf Plantain
  21. Burnt Candytuft
  22. Canary Island Flatpod
  23. Cape Gorse
  24. Carolina Horsenettle
  25. Cephalophyllum Parvulum
  26. Chinese Honeysuckle
  27. Chocolate Vine
  28. Climbing Nightshade
  29. Clove
  30. Common Milkweed
  31. Corncockle
  32. Crassula Subulata
  33. Creeping Yellowcress
  34. Cry Violet
  35. Cutleaf Toothwort
  36. Devil's Cotton
  37. Doll's Eyes
  38. Dyer's Alkanet
  39. Dysentery Bush
  40. Everlasting Pea
  41. Eytelia
  42. Florist's Daisy
  43. Flowering Onion
  44. Galapagos Flower
  45. Garlic Mustard
  46. Ghost Orchid
  47. Giant Ragweed
  48. Gloriosa Daisy
  49. Goatweed
  50. Great White Trillium
  51. Heart's Delight
  52. Indian Hellebore
  53. Isolepis Vulbifera
  54. Italian Bugloss
  55. Japanese Lady Bell
  56. Kan Pai Mahidol
  57. Kudzu Flower
  58. Lace Flower
  59. Lenten Rose
  60. Magarza
  61. Magic Flower
  62. March Lily
  63. Marsh Foxtail
  64. Mountain Fringe
  65. Narthecium Americanum
  66. Nemesia Micrantha
  67. Okra
  68. Orange Balsam
  69. Orange Milkweed
  70. Parrot Flower
  71. Peony
  72. Pepper Vine
  73. Philippine Amesiella
  74. Pineapple
  75. Pink Corydalis
  76. Pink Turkish Shrublet
  77. Pluchea Glutinosa
  78. Pokeweed
  79. Prince's Feather
  80. Psoralea Cataracta
  81. Psoralea Macrophylla
  82. Red Centered Hibiscus
  83. Rock Speedwell
  84. Rock Thyme
  85. Saffron
  86. Saint Helena Heliotrope
  87. Scarlet Pimpernel
  88. Silver Hairgrass
  89. Snow Aciphyll
  90. Snowdrop
  91. South American Rose
  92. Streblorrhiza Speciosa
  93. Stringwood
  94. Sumatra Dipterocarpus
  95. Summer Lilac
  96. Summer Pheasant's Eye
  97. Summer Snowflakes
  98. Terrestrial Orchid
  99. Thismia Americana
  100. Tronadora
  101. White Forsythia
  102. Wild Carrot
  103. Wild Cotton
  104. Winged Everlasting
  105. Yarrow
  106. Yellow Fumewort
  107. Yellow Rocketcress

Additional plants (to be added into the alphabetized list above at some point)

  1. Gerbera Daisy
  2. Hydrangea
  3. Raw Cotton
  4. Star of Bethlehem
  5. Zenobia
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