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The topic for the Chabot is “Video Games”. The bot is called Oracle. It talks about various video games, will share with you its favorite video game/ will talk on associated topics. It can also play game (rock paper scissor) with you. Moreover, it can remember user information. System information used to develop the bot:
- Python version: 3.11.5
- OS: Windows 11
- It is written to run best on Windows (mainly); Mac/Linux should also be fine. It hasn’t be extensively tested on the Google Colab and similar platforms.
- While executing any code please address the file paths properly (in the code) based on your system to avoid error of “file not found”.
To run the ChatBot we only requires the following files:
- ChatBot > chatbot.py
- Files > Know_Base_Merged.p
- Files > Know_Base_Game.p
- Files > ChatBot Files > greetings_conv.p
- Files > ChatBot Files > kb_cosine_procss.p
- Files > ChatBot Files > user_info.p
After all the required paths are set properly in the code, run the ChatBot > chatbot.py