1 Used the code from ra1nstorm helper prepares an environment adequate for running checkra1n and exploiting your iOS device in a macOS virtual machine with some changes to skip the installation and reduce the necessary storage.
2 Download a pre-modified DMG image based on MacOSx high sierra that contains checkra1n (not the same as ra1nusb).
3 The DMG is transferred in USB (minimum 4GB) using balena etcher
The image has been modified from the original by me Shark
Ra1nKVM can be built on most Linux distributions. Ubuntu is the only one tested.
Building Ra1nKVM requires makeself
and make
. Install both from your package manager to compile, and copy /usr/bin/makeself to /usr/bin/makeself.sh.
To build Ra1nKVM.run, simply use make ra1nkvm.run
This software is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY in the hopes that it will be useful.
This software is beta quality. Be careful.
Thank you all
Based on the code of ra1nstorm/(C) 2019 Ronsor Labs
ra1nstorm (C) 2019 Ronsor Labs. This software is licensed under the terms of the
MIT/X11 license.
checkra1n (C) 2019 Kim Jong Cracks. Development by qwertyoruiop, axi0mx, et al.
Thanks to the creator of OSX-KVM and all contributors.
Leonardo Manrique (ShiftKey) @LeoManrique7
Contribute with
Framework & Dylib.
Thủ Thuật Jailbreak @thuthuatjb
For ra1nusb Excellent idea to make a MacOS Recovery image base on sierra with checkra1n.
Alberto @applestationpro
For encouraging me to do this and answer the call, if I should invest my time to make it.
Juan @ProfeJuAntonio
For making the cover image (it's awesome).
haker2k7 @haker2k7
For shared the awesome ICON.
For making the ICON.