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Meteor accounts-ui adapted and styled to work with Semantic UI.


With Meteor version 0.9.0 and above, run

$ meteor add iandouglas:accounts-ui-semantic-ui

You will need Semantic UI installed and its JS loaded before this package runs. I haven't been happy with the Semantic UI packages already out there, so I'm doing this just by throwing all the CSS and JS files in my /client/lib folder.

This replaces/replicates the official accounts-ui package, so make sure to remove it if it's in your project.

How to Use

Just add {{> loginButtons}} to your template, as usual!

Since I based all the code off of the official Meteor package, then the usual Accounts.ui configurations will work. I added one additional configuration option, however, which is dropdownClasses. That is, you can (optionally) add the following to your config, along with any other options you might want:

	dropdownClasses: 'simple'

The classes you specify will be added to the main .ui.dropdown.item element - I use this mostly to add a simple class to my dropdowns, but you might use it for any other classes. Note that I tried to make it somewhat intelligent, so that if the dropdown has the simple class, then it will not be initialized with $('.dropdown').dropdown().

Or you might add the following:

	dropdownTransition: 'drop'

If you specify a dropdownTransition, then .dropdown() will be called with the given transition. You can see a list of possible Semantic UI transitions here. Thanks to joryphillips for the inspiration for this option!

These configuration options are optional! You can include zero, one, or both of them (and change the values as you see fit). Note that a "simple" dropdown cannot also have transitions applied to it.

Custom Signup Fields

One of my favorite features from ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 is the ease with which you can add extra signup fields. I have implemented (nearly verbatim) his code for doing so, and so to add extra signup fields, you can pretty much just reference his documentation.

There is one small difference, however. Since Semantic UI supports a couple different checkbox types, I have added a couple fields to support this. Also, I feel like he didn't completely document his validation method, which is pretty slick! All that being said, it's probably worthwhile to show his example with the extra tweaks:

	extraSignupFields: [
			fieldName: 'first-name',
			fieldLabel: 'First name',
			inputType: 'text',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: true,
			validate: function(value, errorFunction) {
				if (value.trim() == '') {
					errorFunction('First name cannot be blank');
					return false;
				} else {
					return true;
			fieldName: 'last-name',
			fieldLabel: 'Last name',
			inputType: 'text',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: true
			fieldName: 'checkbox',
			fieldLabel: 'Default checkbox with no JS',
			inputType: 'checkbox',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: false
			fieldName: 'checkbox-js',
			fieldLabel: 'Default checkbox with JS',
			inputType: 'checkbox',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: false,
			useJS: true
			fieldName: 'checkbox-slider-js',
			fieldLabel: 'Slider checkbox with JS',
			inputType: 'checkbox',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: false,
			fieldClasses: 'slider',
			useJS: true
			fieldName: 'checkbox-toggle-js',
			fieldLabel: 'Toggle checkbox with JS',
			inputType: 'checkbox',
			visible: true,
			saveToProfile: false,
			fieldClasses: 'toggle',
			useJS: true

Extra Content Within Logged In Dropdown

Once again drawing inspiration from the bootstrap 3 accounts-ui plugin, you can now define a template, _loginButtonsAdditionalLoggedInDropdownActions, which will be rendered within the "logged in dropdown." Not much else to say about this - but boy oh boy, when you need this feature, you really need it!

Remember that the template will be rendered as an immediate child of a .menu container, so you will likely want to be defining .item's and what-not.


I am a relative newcomer to the Semantic UI framework, and could not find an implementation of accounts-ui using Semantic UI classes/markup, so I decided to try and put together my own. Overall I am very happy with this initial release - but I'm sure there are improvements that can be made, and I welcome pull requests or comments.

Mostly, I just really wanted to be able to use the excellent accounts-ui and have it play nicely with all my other Semantic UI elements.

Semantic UI Usage

This package is mainly based around the dropdown component. I have done my best to make everything pretty within that dropdown, but honestly have found some of the default behavior styling to be somewhat lackluster/rigid, and hence some markup is abused and I included just a couple minor (but shameful) inline styles, to clean things up.

The components used are (in order of "importance"/frequency):


Version 1.2.2 (2015-06-12)

  • Pushed previous version to atmosphere and immediately found a bug. That's how it goes, right? I should push all my projects to atmosphere - I bet I'd find bugs a lot quicker!
  • Fixed bug wherein another dropdown in the addition logged in dropdown template breaks the parent dropdown

Version 1.2.1 (2015-06-12)

  • Added (optional) template, _loginButtonsAdditionalLoggedInDropdownActions which can be defined and will then be rendered within the logged in dropdown.

Version 1.2.0 (2015-06-08)

  • Implementing more amazing fixes from joryphillips
  • Added dropdown transition option

Version 1.1.1 (2015-04-29)

  • Fixed minor markdown typo in readme.

Version 1.1.0 (2015-04-29)

  • Added cancel button to "change password" view (Thanks, joryphillips!)
  • Prevented dropdown from closing when switching between views (such as login -> register) (Thanks, joryphillips!)

Version 1.0.3 (2015-03-26)

  • Added extraSignupFields option

Version 1.0.2 (2015-03-23)

  • Initial version released to atmosphere


A Meteor package skinning the accounts-ui package for Semantic UI






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