An image generation app built using MERN stack and Eden AI API
This project allows users to generate and share AI images. The project showcases the power of generative AI and how easy it is to integrate the APIs to create Saas applications.
- React
- Tailwind
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Eden AI API
Get a free API Key at
Get API keys from cloudinary to store generated images on a CDN.
Create a database on MongoDB atlas and get your database credentials.
Clone the repo
git clone
Run npm install
Put your credentials inside an env file in server folder
Run the client and server on two separate terminals (look at the package json for commands)
Replace the server url in client to localhost
- Click on create
- Type your prompt and press enter.
- Once image is generated, click on share to store to cloud.
- Muhammad Shehryar - Software Engineer - Muhammad Shehryar - **