It's A Demo Web Application that represents bank curriculum. this Application builded by Jonas Schmedtmann and I used this for my practice project and improved User experience.
There you will get 4 accounts and they have all unique login username and passwords. you have to fill that requirement or you will can't login into application
- Logins Account js, jd, stw, ss and passwords are 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444
- User Can Transfer Balance to Other account
- User can Request Loan (in sort of terms )
- User can delete current Account If He Wants to
- User can sort of Movements
- After current session expires user will be logout automaticaly
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Bankist--js
Install dependencies
npm install / yarn
Start development Server
npm run dev / yarn dev
Start Production Server
npm run build / yarn build