Opinionated Vite + React starter template.
Recommended Node.js version: >=18
- Based on React + TypeScript
- Using React Router for routing
- Using PNPM as package manager
- Using Vite infra & ecosystem
- Using AHooks
- Using Jotai for state management
- Using React-i18nNext for localization
- Using Tailwind CSS for styling
- Using DaisyUI as component library
- Using tailwindcss-icons for CSS Icons
- Using Vitest for unit testing
- Using Playwright for E2E testing
- Using Antfu's ESLint config
- Using Simple Git hooks for git hooks
- Using Taze to manage dependencies update
- Using vite-plugin-webfont-dl to handle Web Fonts downloading
- Using vite-plugin-mkcert for local HTTPS development
- Using Netlify for deployment