This package offers 5 solvers for compressive sensing problems
To implement this solver, please
- Step 1: run startup.m first to add the path;
- Step 2: run demonXXXX.m to solve different problems
S. Zhou, N. Xiu, and H. Qi,
Global and quadratic convergence of Newton hard-thresholding pursuit,
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(12):1-45, 2021
S. Zhou,
Gradient projection Newton pursuit for sparsity constrained optimization,
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 61:75-100, 2022
S. Zhou, L. Pan, and N. Xiu,
Newton method for l_0 regularized optimization,
Numerical Algorithms, DOI: 10.1007/s11075-021-01085-x, 2021
L. Pan, S. Zhou, N. Xiu, and H. Qi,
A convergent iterative hard thresholding for nonnegative sparsity optimization,
Pacific Journal of Optimization, 13(2), 325-353, 2017
S. Zhou, N. Xiu, Y. Wang, L. Kong and H. Qi,
A Null-space-based weighted l1 minimization approach to compressed sensing,
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, vol. 5(1): 76-102, 2016.
Please credit them if you use the code for your research.