This repository contains a Dockerfile for the Efficient LPS network:
- Paper:
- Github:
Important notes:
- Training works, but the validation currently fails. This will be fixed in a future update.
Side notes:
- This Dockerfile was tested on a Nvidia DGX
- This is meant for people that can't get the official repository to work
- This is meant as a working base. It will not work on every system without some modifications
- System requirements: Host system should have at least the Nvidia driver version 450.203.03, CUDA 11
- The last line in the dockerfile is commented out to enable the usage of the interactive mode. Training has to be started manually then (copy the command from the file).
- Data has to be stored in "/raid/data/...". Otherwise some smaller changes are necessary.
- sudo docker build -t NAME .
- sudo docker run -v /raid/data:/raid/data -it --gpus all NAME:latest