Graphic pero based on matplotlib. Also include Turtle class (see below).
- Python 3.6.x
- numpy
- matplotlib
You should use command line terminal.
First variant. Clone repo and go to the package dir
git clone pero
cd pero
and execute command:
python install
pip install .
Second variant. Remote using pip:
pip install git+
obj = Pero( x, y )
obj = Pero( p1,...,pn )
x, y
- initial position coordinates of the pero
p1, ..., pn
- references to Pero class objects
The Pero object has an internal buffer.
If buffer size (number of points to fit) is 1,
plant of the pero (using the methods punct
, vector
) automatically lead
to build the graph. In this case, operations with the buffer using methods
and transform
are not available ( an attempt to execute them results in an error ).
If the buffer size is greater than 1, move the pero (using
methods punct
, vector
) new point graphics temporarily accumulate
in it, but not in the coordinate axes.
In this case, you need to use the draw
method to build the plot
(only the last point is then stored in the buffer).
Also, if the buffer size is greater than 1, then when the buffer is full, its size automatically increases (by the value of the original buffer size).
You can change the buffer size using the set
punct() - move the pero to a point with specified coordinates
obj.punct( x, y )
vector() - move the pero to the specified vector from the last point of the line under construction to the new one
obj.vector( dx, dy )
set(params) - set the property values of the Pero class object
obj.set( 'lineColor' , color ) # set line color
obj.set( 'patchColor', color ) # set patch color
obj.set( 'lineStyle' , style ) # set line style
obj.set( 'lineWidth' , width ) # set line width
obj.set( 'marker' , marker ) # set marker type
obj.set( 'markerSize' , size ) # set marker size
obj.set( 'bufsize' , bufSize ) # set buffer size
obj.set( 'delay' , delay ) # set the value of the artificial delay
any set of properties from this number can also be set at the same time:
obj.set( 'lineColor', color,..., 'delay', delay )
(property-value pairs can follow in any order)
= 'b' | 'r' | 'g' | 'y' | 'k' | 'w' | 'm' | 3-d vector
(initially the color is set to'b'
) or other values
= 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted', '-', '--', '-.', ':', 'None', ' ', ''
(initially the line style is set to '-'
- (initially the line thickness is set to 0.5
= '.', ',', 'o', 'v', '^', '<', '>', '1', '2', '3', '4', '8', '*', '+', '|', '_', 's', 'h', 'H', 'D', 'd', 'p', 'P', 'x', 'X', 'None', ' ', ''
(initially set to 'None'
(initially set to 6
- buffer size (initially set to 200
-the duration of the artificial delay (sec.)
(initially set to 0
draw() - draw a line or paints over a section whose point coordinates are contained in the internal buffer
obj.draw( type )
h = obj.draw()
h = obj.draw( type )
obj.draw( type, dx, dy )
h = obj.draw( type, dx, dy )
= 'line' | 'patch'
(default type = 'line'
dx, dy
- coordinates of the pero displacement vector (default dx = dy = 0
- constructed line object
flip() - flip the contents of the object's internal buffer backwards
obj2 = obj1.flip()
transform(f, args) - perform the conversion of point coordinates in the buffer according to a given law
obj.transform( f )
obj.transform( f, p1,...,pn )
- function that dehumidifies convert the coordinate plane and having the semantic:
x2, y2 = F( x1, y1 )
print() - display a Pero class object info in the command window
obj.print() # displays the Pero class object in the command window
obj.print( 'prime' ) # displays only basic information
The Turtle class is a wrapper over the Pero class.
It has two properties (in addition to pero properties): step size and rotation angle.
is specified by a complex number, method forward()
moves the turtle along the vector (Re(step), Im(step))
obj = Turtle( x, y )
x, y
- coordinates of the initial position of the turtle
forward() - move the turtle along the set direction by the set step
rot(side) - turn the turtle at a fixed angle in a given direction
obj.rot( side )
- direction of turn, left = 'L' | 'LEFT'
or right = 'R' | 'RIGHT'
set(params) - Set the property values of the Turtle class object like Pero method set
obj.set( 'angle' , angle ) # sets the absolute value of the turtle's turning angle
obj.set( 'step' , step ) # set the turtle step value
obj.set( 'lineColor' , color ) # set line color
- the absolute value of the turtle's turning angle into rad. (initially set to pi/2
- step size of the turtle (initially set to 1+i
Methods draw(), transform(), print() - correspond to the Pero class methods
Create script, example
from pero import Pero, Turtle
p = Pero(0, 1) # Create pero in point (0,1)
p.punct(1, 1) # Move pero to point (1,1)
p.punct(0, 1) # Move pero to point (0,1)
p.draw() # Draw all lines
p.set('linecolor', 'r', 'lineWidth', 2) # Set line color to red and width = 2
p.vector(1, 2) # Shift pero on 1 by x and on 2 by y
p.draw() # Draw all lines
# need to call draw() method before change parameters
# by set method (example, line color)
t = Turtle(-1, 2.3) # Create turtle in point (-1, 2.3)
t.set('angle', 2.5) # Set angle in rad.
t.set('step', 1 - 1j) # Set step vector (1, -1)
t.print() # Show info about turtle object
for i in range(20):
t.rot('l') # Rotate turtle left on 90 deg.
t.forward() # Move turtle forward by it's vector
t.draw() # Draw all lines
input() # to prevent close plot window
then execute script
Prepare script with function (
def draw_cube(p):
p.vector(0, 1)
p.vector(1, 0)
p.vector(0, -1)
p.vector(-1, 0)
then run python command line
>>> from pero import Pero
>>> from myfunc import draw_cube
>>> p = Pero(1, 1)
>>> draw_cube(p)