A packet filtering and monitoring tool written in Rust. It allows you to monitor and/or disrupt selected connections on the network you're connected to. (
- Expressive filtering rules in the config
- Monitor connections
- reset or slow down chosen connections
- Nice logging
- And ofcourse written in Rust 🦀
- Add ARP and NDP spoofing layer
- Add a LRU cache and monitor perf gains
- config file lookup and handle cli flags and args
Pakcets can be matched based on their source and destination, IPs, MACs, wildcards and Regex to match on Domain names and IPs.
Here's a sample config
interface = "wlp0s20f3" # defaults to the active interface if not given
log-file = "./tcp-chief" # save logs into a file
log-level = "debug"
src = ["",""] # match connection sources with these ips
dst_regex = "lobste|tiktok|youtube" # match connection destination domain or ip to this regex
mode = "reset" # reset those connections that match. reset|monitor|ignore|syn_reset
src_mac_exclude = ["11:22:33:44:55:66"] # match all connection sources except the ones with this MAC address
dst_exclude = ["", ""] # match all connection dst except the ones with these ips
mode = "monitor"
src_all = true
dst_mac = ["AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"]
Intended for ethical use. It's uncool to tamper with and eavesdrop on people connections!