BDD Package SAPPORO-Edition (Shin-ichi Minato, Kyoto Univ. 2021)
g++ (GCC) 7.3.0 or later
First go to ./src (cd src) and execute a script (source INSTALL) or (source INSTALL32) to compile the BDD package into a library file ../lib/BDD64.a or ../lib/BDD32.a. Then go to a directory under ../app to make an application program using the BDD package.
Shin-ichi MINATO
at Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
SAPPOROBDD is under MIT license (
include/* : Header files.
src/* : Source files of BDD package.
src/INSTALL : Script for compiling all files in src/ .
src/INSTALL32 : Script for compiling all files in src/ on 32bit machine.
src/INSTALL_LCM : Script for compiling all files in src/ with LCM-library.
src/INSTALL32_LCM : Script for compiling all files in src/ on 32bit machine with LCM-library.
src/CLEAN : Script for deleting all object files in src/ .
src/BDDc/* : Core of package written in C.
src/BDDXc/* : Part of package related to X11, written in C.
src/BDDLCMc/* : Part of package related to LCM, written in C.
src/BDD+/* : Main part of package written in C++.
lib/* : Compiled BDD library files are stored here.
app/* : Source programs of BDD applications.
man/* : Manuals of BDD package. (So far Japanese only.)