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Backup multiple database types on a scheduled basis with many customizable options


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This will build a container for backing up multiple types of DB Servers

Backs up CouchDB, InfluxDB, MySQL/MariaDB, Microsoft SQL, MongoDB, Postgres, Redis servers.

  • dump to local filesystem or backup to S3 Compatible services, and Azure.
  • multiple backup job support
    • selectable when to start the first dump, whether time of day or relative to container start time
    • selectable interval
    • selectable omit scheduling during periods of time
    • selectable database user and password
    • selectable cleanup and archive capabilities
    • selectable database name support - all databases, single, or multiple databases
    • backup all to separate files or one singular file
  • checksum support choose to have an MD5 or SHA1 hash generated after backup for verification
  • compression support (none, gz, bz, xz, zstd)
  • encryption support (passphrase and public key)
  • notify upon job failure to email, matrix, mattermost, rocketchat, custom script
  • zabbix metrics support
  • hooks to execute pre and post backup job for customization purposes
  • companion script to aid in restores


Table of Contents

Prerequisites and Assumptions

  • You must have a working connection to one of the supported DB Servers and appropriate credentials


Build from Source

Clone this repository and build the image with docker build <arguments> (imagename) .

Prebuilt Images

Builds of the image are available on Docker Hub

Builds of the image are also available on the Github Container Registry

docker pull

The following image tags are available along with their tagged release based on what's written in the Changelog:

Alpine Base Tag
latest :latest
docker pull

Multi Architecture

Images are built primarily for amd64 architecture, and may also include builds for arm/v7, arm64 and others. These variants are all unsupported. Consider sponsoring my work so that I can work with various hardware. To see if this image supports multiple architectures, type docker manifest (image):(tag)


Quick Start

  • The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose. See the examples folder for a series of example compose.yml that can be modified for development or production use.

  • Set various environment variables to understand the capabilities of this image.

  • Map persistent storage for access to configuration and data files for backup.

Persistent Storage

The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

Directory Description
/backup Backups
/assets/scripts/pre Optional Put custom scripts in this directory to execute before backup operations
/assets/scripts/post Optional Put custom scripts in this directory to execute after backup operations
/logs Optional Logfiles for backup jobs

Environment Variables

Base Images used

This image relies on an Alpine Linux base image that relies on an init system for added capabilities. Outgoing SMTP capabilities are handled via msmtp. Individual container performance monitoring is performed by zabbix-agent. Additional tools include: bash,curl,less,logrotate, nano.

Be sure to view the following repositories to understand all the customizable options:

Image Description
OS Base Customized Image based on Alpine Linux

Container Options

Parameter Description Default
MODE AUTO mode to use internal scheduling routines or MANUAL to simply use this as manual backups only executed by your own means AUTO
USER_DBBACKUP The uid that the image should read and write files as (username is dbbackup) 10000
GROUP_DBBACKUP The gid that the image should read and write files as (groupname is dbbackup) 10000
LOG_PATH Path to log files /logs
TEMP_PATH Perform Backups and Compression in this temporary directory /tmp/backups/
MANUAL_RUN_FOREVER TRUE or FALSE if you wish to try to make the container exit after the backup TRUE
DEBUG_MODE If set to true, print copious shell script messages to the container log. Otherwise only basic messages are printed. FALSE
BACKUP_JOB_CONCURRENCY How many backup jobs to run concurrently 1

Job Defaults

If these are set and no other defaults or variables are set explicitly, they will be added to any of the backup jobs.

Variable Description Default
DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION Backup to FILESYSTEM, blobxfer or S3 compatible services like S3, Minio, Wasabi FILESYSTEM
DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL Log output on screen and in files INFO NOTICE ERROR WARN DEBUG notice
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_OPTIMIZED Perform operations at a lower priority to the CPU and IO scheduler FALSE
DEFAULT_SKIP_AVAILABILITY_CHECK Before backing up - skip connectivity check FALSE
Compression Options
Variable Description Default
DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL Numerical value of what level of compression to use, most allow 1 to 9 3
except for ZSTD which allows for 1 to 19
DEFAULT_GZ_RSYNCABLE Use --rsyncable (gzip only) for faster rsync transfers and incremental backup deduplication. FALSE
DEFAULT_ENABLE_PARALLEL_COMPRESSION Use multiple cores when compressing backups TRUE or FALSE TRUE
DEFAULT_PARALLEL_COMPRESSION_THREADS Maximum amount of threads to use when compressing - Integer value e.g. 8 autodetected
Encryption Options

Encryption occurs after compression and the encrypted filename will have a .gpg suffix

Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_ENCRYPT Encrypt file after backing up with GPG FALSE
DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_PASSPHRASE Passphrase to encrypt file with GPG x
DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_PUBLIC_KEY Path of public key to encrypt file with GPG x
DEFAULT_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY Path of private key to encrypt file with GPG x
Scheduling Options
Variable Description Default
DEFAULT_BACKUP_INTERVAL How often to do a backup, in minutes after the first backup. Defaults to 1440 minutes, or once per day. 1440
DEFAULT_BACKUP_BEGIN What time to do the initial backup. Defaults to immediate. (+1) +0
Must be in one of four formats:
Absolute HHMM, e.g. 2330 or 0415
Relative +MM, i.e. how many minutes after starting the container, e.g. +0 (immediate), +10 (in 10 minutes), or +90 in an hour and a half
Full datestamp e.g. 2023-12-21 23:30:00
Cron expression e.g. 30 23 * * * Understand the format - BACKUP_INTERVAL is ignored
DEFAULT_CLEANUP_TIME Value in minutes to delete old backups (only fired when backup interval executes) FALSE
1440 would delete anything above 1 day old. You don't need to set this variable if you want to hold onto everything.
DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_TIME Value in minutes to move all files files older than (x) from
DEFAULT_BACKUP_BLACKOUT_BEGIN Use HHMM notation to start a blackout period where no backups occur eg 0420
DEFAULT_BACKUP_BLACKOUT_END Use HHMM notation to set the end period where no backups occur eg 0430

You may need to wrap your DEFAULT_BACKUP_BEGIN value in quotes for it to properly parse. There have been reports of backups that start with a 0 get converted into a different format which will not allow the timer to start at the correct time.

Default Database Options
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_PORT CouchDB Port 5984 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
Version 1.x 8088
Version 2.x 8086
DEFAULT_INFLUX_VERSION What Version of Influx are you backing up from 1.x or 2 series - amd64 and aarch/armv8 only for 2 2
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_PORT MySQL / MariaDB Port 3306 x
DEFAULT_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_MYSQL_CLIENT Choose between mariadb or mysql client to perform dump operations for compatibility purposes mariadb
DEFAULT_MYSQL_SINGLE_TRANSACTION Backup in a single transaction TRUE
DEFAULT_MYSQL_TLS_VERIFY (optional) If using TLS (by means of MYSQL_TLS_* variables) verify remote host FALSE
DEFAULT_MYSQL_TLS_VERSION What TLS v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 version to utilize TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
DEFAULT_MYSQL_TLS_CA_FILE Filename to load custom CA certificate for connecting via TLS /etc/ssl/cert.pem x
DEFAULT_MYSQL_TLS_CERT_FILE Filename to load client certificate for connecting via TLS x
DEFAULT_MYSQL_TLS_KEY_FILE Filename to load client key for connecting via TLS x
Microsoft SQL
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_PORT Microsoft SQL Port 1433 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_AUTH (Optional) Authentication Database x
DEFAULT_PORT MongoDB Port 27017 x
MONGO_CUSTOM_URI If you wish to override the MongoDB Connection string enter it here e.g. mongodb+srv:// x
This environment variable will be parsed and populate the DB_NAME and DB_HOST variables to properly build your backup filenames.
You can override them by making your own entries
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_AUTH (Optional) Authentication Database x
DEFAULT_BACKUP_GLOBALS Backup Globals as part of backup procedure
DEFAULT_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DEFAULT_PORT PostgreSQL Port 5432 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_PORT Default Redis Port 6379 x
DEFAULT_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
Default Storage Options

Options that are related to the value of DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION


If DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCTION = FILESYSTEM then the following options are used:

Variable Description Default
DEFAULT_CREATE_LATEST_SYMLINK Create a symbolic link pointing to last backup in this format: latest-(DB_TYPE)_(DB_NAME)_(DB_HOST) TRUE
DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PATH Directory where the database dumps are kept. /backup
DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PATH_PERMISSION Permissions to apply to backup directory 700
DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_ARCHIVE_PATH Optional Directory where the database dumps archives are kept ${DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PATH}/archive/
DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PERMISSION Permissions to apply to files. 600

If DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION = S3 then the following options are used:

Parameter Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET S3 Bucket name e.g. mybucket x
DEFAULT_S3_KEY_ID S3 Key ID (Optional) x
DEFAULT_S3_KEY_SECRET S3 Key Secret (Optional) x
DEFAULT_S3_PATH S3 Pathname to save to (must NOT end in a trailing slash e.g. 'backup') x
DEFAULT_S3_REGION Define region in which bucket is defined. Example: ap-northeast-2 x
DEFAULT_S3_HOST Hostname (and port) of S3-compatible service, e.g. minio:8080. Defaults to AWS. x
DEFAULT_S3_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to DEFAULT_S3_HOST. Either http or https. Defaults to https. https x
DEFAULT_S3_EXTRA_OPTS Add any extra options to the end of the aws-cli process execution x
DEFAULT_S3_CERT_CA_FILE Map a volume and point to your custom CA Bundle for verification e.g. /certs/bundle.pem x
DEFAULT_S3_CERT_SKIP_VERIFY Skip verifying self signed certificates when connecting TRUE
  • When DEFAULT_S3_KEY_ID and/or DEFAULT_S3_KEY_SECRET is not set, will try to use IAM role assigned (if any) for uploading the backup files to S3 bucket.

If DEFAULT_BACKUP_LOCATION = blobxfer then the following options are used:.

Parameter Description Default _FILE
DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_STORAGE_ACCOUNT Microsoft Azure Cloud storage account name. x
DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY Microsoft Azure Cloud storage account key. x
DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_REMOTE_PATH Remote Azure path /docker-db-backup x
DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_MODE Azure Storage mode e.g. auto, file, append, block or page auto x
  • When DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_MODE is set to auto it will use blob containers by default. If the DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_REMOTE_PATH path does not exist a blob container with that name will be created.

This service uploads files from backup targed directory DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM_PATH. If the a cleanup configuration in DEFAULT_CLEANUP_TIME is defined, the remote directory on Azure storage will also be cleaned automatically.

Path Options
Parameter Description Default
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION_PRE Location on filesystem inside container to execute bash scripts pre backup /assets/scripts/pre/
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_LOCATION_POST Location on filesystem inside container to execute bash scripts post backup /assets/scripts/post/
DEFAULT_PRE_SCRIPT Fill this variable in with a command to execute pre backing up
DEFAULT_POST_SCRIPT Fill this variable in with a command to execute post backing up
Pre Backup

If you want to execute a custom script before a backup starts, you can drop bash scripts with the extension of .sh in the location defined in DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_PRE. See the following example to utilize:

$ cat

# #### Example Pre Script
# #### $1=DBXX_TYPE (Type of Backup)
# #### $2=DBXX_HOST (Backup Host)
# #### $3=DBXX_NAME (Name of Database backed up
# #### $4=BACKUP START TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $5=BACKUP FILENAME (Filename)

echo "${1} Backup Starting on ${2} for ${3} at ${4}. Filename: ${5}"
${f} "${backup_job_db_type}" "${backup_job_db_host}" "${backup_job_db_name}" "${backup_routines_start_time}" "${backup_job_file}"

Outputs the following on the console:

mysql Backup Starting on example-db for example at 1647370800. Filename: mysql_example_example-db_202200315-000000.sql.bz2

Post backup

If you want to execute a custom script at the end of a backup, you can drop bash scripts with the extension of .sh in the location defined in DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_POST. Also to support legacy users /assets/custom-scripts is also scanned and executed.See the following example to utilize:

$ cat

# #### Example Post Script
# #### $1=EXIT_CODE (After running backup routine)
# #### $2=DBXX_TYPE (Type of Backup)
# #### $3=DBXX_HOST (Backup Host)
# #### #4=DBXX_NAME (Name of Database backed up
# #### $5=BACKUP START TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $6=BACKUP FINISH TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $7=BACKUP TOTAL TIME (Seconds between Start and Finish)
# #### $8=BACKUP FILENAME (Filename)
# #### $10=HASH (If CHECKSUM enabled)
# #### $11=MOVE_EXIT_CODE

echo "${1} ${2} Backup Completed on ${3} for ${4} on ${5} ending ${6} for a duration of ${7} seconds. Filename: ${8} Size: ${9} bytes MD5: ${10}"
  ${f} "${exit_code}" "${dbtype}" "${backup_job_db_host}" "${backup_job_db_name}" "${backup_routines_start_time}" "${backup_routines_finish_time}" "${backup_routines_total_time}" "${backup_job_file}" "${filesize}" "${checksum_value}" "${move_exit_code}

Outputs the following on the console:

0 mysql Backup Completed on example-db for example on 1647370800 ending 1647370920 for a duration of 120 seconds. Filename: mysql_example_example-db_202200315-000000.sql.bz2 Size: 7795 bytes Hash: 952fbaafa30437494fdf3989a662cd40 0

If you wish to change the size value from bytes to megabytes set environment variable DB01_SIZE_VALUE=megabytes

You must make your scripts executable otherwise there is an internal check that will skip trying to run it otherwise. If for some reason your filesystem or host is not detecting it right, use the environment variable DB01_POST_SCRIPT_SKIP_X_VERIFY=TRUE to bypass.

Job Backup Options

If DEFAULT_ variables are set and you do not wish for the settings to carry over into your jobs, you can set the appropriate environment variable with the value of unset. Otherwise, override them per backup job. Additional backup jobs can be scheduled by using DB02_,DB03_,DB04_ ... prefixes. See Specific Database Options which may overrule this list.

Parameter Description Default _FILE
DB01_TYPE Type of DB Server to backup couch influx mysql mssql pgsql mongo redis sqlite3
DB01_HOST Server Hostname e.g. mariadb. For sqlite3, full path to DB file e.g. /backup/db.sqlite3 x
DB01_NAME Schema Name e.g. database x
DB01_USER username for the database(s) - Can use root for MySQL x
DB01_PASS (optional if DB doesn't require it) password for the database x
Variable Description Default
DB01_BACKUP_LOCATION Backup to FILESYSTEM, blobxfer or S3 compatible services like S3, Minio, Wasabi FILESYSTEM
DB01_CHECKSUM Either MD5 or SHA1 or NONE MD5
DB01_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_LOG_LEVEL Log output on screen and in files INFO NOTICE ERROR WARN DEBUG debug
DB01_RESOURCE_OPTIMIZED Perform operations at a lower priority to the CPU and IO scheduler FALSE
DB01_SKIP_AVAILABILITY_CHECK Before backing up - skip connectivity check FALSE
Compression Options
Variable Description Default
DB01_COMPRESSION Use either Gzip GZ, Bzip2 BZ, XZip XZ, ZSTD ZSTD or none NONE ZSTD
DB01_COMPRESSION_LEVEL Numerical value of what level of compression to use, most allow 1 to 9 3
except for ZSTD which allows for 1 to 19
DB01_GZ_RSYNCABLE Use --rsyncable (gzip only) for faster rsync transfers and incremental backup deduplication. FALSE
DB01_ENABLE_PARALLEL_COMPRESSION Use multiple cores when compressing backups TRUE or FALSE TRUE
DB01_PARALLEL_COMPRESSION_THREADS Maximum amount of threads to use when compressing - Integer value e.g. 8 autodetected
Encryption Options

Encryption will occur after compression and the resulting filename will have a .gpg suffix

Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_ENCRYPT Encrypt file after backing up with GPG FALSE
DB01_ENCRYPT_PASSPHRASE Passphrase to encrypt file with GPG x
DB01_ENCRYPT_PUBLIC_KEY Path of public key to encrypt file with GPG x
DB01_ENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY Path of private key to encrypt file with GPG x
Scheduling Options
Variable Description Default
DB01_BACKUP_INTERVAL How often to do a backup, in minutes after the first backup. Defaults to 1440 minutes, or once per day. 1440
DB01_BACKUP_BEGIN What time to do the initial backup. Defaults to immediate. (+1) +0
Must be in one of four formats:
Absolute HHMM, e.g. 2330 or 0415
Relative +MM, i.e. how many minutes after starting the container, e.g. +0 (immediate), +10 (in 10 minutes), or +90 in an hour and a half
Full datestamp e.g. 2023-12-21 23:30:00
Cron expression e.g. 30 23 * * * Understand the format - BACKUP_INTERVAL is ignored
DB01_CLEANUP_TIME Value in minutes to delete old backups (only fired when backup interval executes) FALSE
1440 would delete anything above 1 day old. You don't need to set this variable if you want to hold onto everything.
DB01_ARCHIVE_TIME Value in minutes to move all files files older than (x) from DB01_BACKUP_FILESYSTEM_PATH
to DB01_BACKUP_FILESYSTEM_ARCHIVE_PATH - which is useful when pairing against an external backup system.
DB01_BACKUP_BLACKOUT_BEGIN Use HHMM notation to start a blackout period where no backups occur eg 0420
DB01_BACKUP_BLACKOUT_END Use HHMM notation to set the end period where no backups occur eg 0430
Specific Database Options
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_PORT CouchDB Port 5984 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_PORT InfluxDB Port x
Version 1.x 8088
Version 2.x 8086
DB01_INFLUX_VERSION What Version of Influx are you backing up from 1.x or 2 series - amd64 and aarch/armv8 only for 2 2

Your Organization will be mapped to DB_USER and your root token will need to be mapped to DB_PASS. You may use DB_NAME=ALL to backup the entire set of databases. For DB_HOST use syntax of http(s)://db-name

Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_NAME Schema Name e.g. database or ALL to backup all databases the user has access to.
Backup multiple by separating with commas eg db1,db2 x
DB01_NAME_EXCLUDE If using ALL - use this as to exclude databases separated via commas from being backed up x
DB01_SPLIT_DB If using ALL - use this to split each database into its own file as opposed to one singular file FALSE
DB01_PORT MySQL / MariaDB Port 3306 x
DB01_MYSQL_EVENTS Backup Events for TRUE
DB01_MYSQL_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET Max allowed packet 512M
DB01_MYSQL_SINGLE_TRANSACTION Backup in a single transaction TRUE
DB01_MYSQL_STORED_PROCEDURES Backup stored procedures TRUE
DB01_MYSQL_ENABLE_TLS Enable TLS functionality FALSE
DB01_MYSQL_TLS_VERIFY (optional) If using TLS (by means of MYSQL_TLS_* variables) verify remote host FALSE
DB01_MYSQL_TLS_VERSION What TLS v1.1 v1.2 v1.3 version to utilize TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
DB01_MYSQL_TLS_CA_FILE Filename to load custom CA certificate for connecting via TLS /etc/ssl/cert.pem x
DB01_MYSQL_TLS_CERT_FILE Filename to load client certificate for connecting via TLS x
DB01_MYSQL_TLS_KEY_FILE Filename to load client key for connecting via TLS x
Microsoft SQL
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_PORT Microsoft SQL Port 1433 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_AUTH (Optional) Authentication Database
DB01_PORT MongoDB Port 27017 x
DB01_MONGO_CUSTOM_URI If you wish to override the MongoDB Connection string enter it here e.g. mongodb+srv:// x
This environment variable will be parsed and populate the DB_NAME and DB_HOST variables to properly build your backup filenames.
You can override them by making your own entries
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_AUTH (Optional) Authentication Database
DB01_BACKUP_GLOBALS Backup Globals after backing up database (forces TRUE if `_NAME=ALL``) FALSE
DB01_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_ENUMERATION_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the database enumeration command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_NAME Schema Name e.g. database or ALL to backup all databases the user has access to.
Backup multiple by separating with commas eg db1,db2 x
DB01_SPLIT_DB If using ALL - use this to split each database into its own file as opposed to one singular file FALSE
DB01_PORT PostgreSQL Port 5432 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_EXTRA_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup and database enumeration command, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_EXTRA_BACKUP_OPTS Pass extra arguments to the backup command only, add them here e.g. --extra-command
DB01_PORT Redis Port 6379 x
Variable Description Default _FILE
DB01_HOST Enter the full path to DB file e.g. /backup/db.sqlite3 x
Specific Storage Options

Options that are related to the value of DB01_BACKUP_LOCATION


If DB01_BACKUP_LOCTION = FILESYSTEM then the following options are used:

Variable Description Default
DB01_CREATE_LATEST_SYMLINK Create a symbolic link pointing to last backup in this format: latest-(DB_TYPE)-(DB_NAME)-(DB_HOST) TRUE
DB01_FILESYSTEM_PATH Directory where the database dumps are kept. /backup
DB01_FILESYSTEM_PATH_PERMISSION Permissions to apply to backup directory 700
DB01_FILESYSTEM_ARCHIVE_PATH Optional Directory where the database dumps archives are kept ${DB01_FILESYSTEM_PATH}/archive/
DB01_FILESYSTEM_PERMISSION Directory and File permissions to apply to files. 600

If DB01_BACKUP_LOCATION = S3 then the following options are used:

Parameter Description Default _FILE
DB01_S3_BUCKET S3 Bucket name e.g. mybucket x
DB01_S3_KEY_ID S3 Key ID (Optional) x
DB01_S3_KEY_SECRET S3 Key Secret (Optional) x
DB01_S3_PATH S3 Pathname to save to (must NOT end in a trailing slash e.g. 'backup') x
DB01_S3_REGION Define region in which bucket is defined. Example: ap-northeast-2 x
DB01_S3_HOST Hostname (and port) of S3-compatible service, e.g. minio:8080. Defaults to AWS. x
DB01_S3_PROTOCOL Protocol to connect to DB01_S3_HOST. Either http or https. Defaults to https. https x
DB01_S3_EXTRA_OPTS Add any extra options to the end of the aws-cli process execution x
DB01_S3_CERT_CA_FILE Map a volume and point to your custom CA Bundle for verification e.g. /certs/bundle.pem x
DB01_S3_CERT_SKIP_VERIFY Skip verifying self signed certificates when connecting TRUE

When DB01_S3_KEY_ID and/or DB01_S3_KEY_SECRET is not set, will try to use IAM role assigned (if any) for uploading the backup files to S3 bucket.


If DB01_BACKUP_LOCATION = blobxfer then the following options are used:.

Parameter Description Default _FILE
DB01_BLOBXFER_STORAGE_ACCOUNT Microsoft Azure Cloud storage account name. x
DB01_BLOBXFER_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY Microsoft Azure Cloud storage account key. x
DB01_BLOBXFER_REMOTE_PATH Remote Azure path /docker-db-backup x
DB01_BLOBXFER_REMOTE_MODE Azure Storage mode e.g. auto, file, append, block or page auto x
  • When DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_MODE is set to auto it will use blob containers by default. If the DEFAULT_BLOBXFER_REMOTE_PATH path does not exist a blob container with that name will be created.

This service uploads files from backup directory DB01_BACKUP_FILESYSTEM_PATH. If the a cleanup configuration in DB01_CLEANUP_TIME is defined, the remote directory on Azure storage will also be cleaned automatically.

Path Options
Parameter Description Default
DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_PRE Location on filesystem inside container to execute bash scripts pre backup /assets/scripts/pre/
DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_POST Location on filesystem inside container to execute bash scripts post backup /assets/scripts/post/
DB01_PRE_SCRIPT Fill this variable in with a command to execute pre backing up
DB01_POST_SCRIPT Fill this variable in with a command to execute post backing up
Pre Backup

If you want to execute a custom script before a backup starts, you can drop bash scripts with the extension of .sh in the location defined in DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_PRE. See the following example to utilize:

$ cat

# #### Example Pre Script
# #### $1=DB01_TYPE (Type of Backup)
# #### $2=DB01_HOST (Backup Host)
# #### $3=DB01_NAME (Name of Database backed up
# #### $4=BACKUP START TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $5=BACKUP FILENAME (Filename)

echo "${1} Backup Starting on ${2} for ${3} at ${4}. Filename: ${5}"
${f} "${backup_job_db_type}" "${backup_job_db_host}" "${backup_job_db_name}" "${backup_routines_start_time}" "${backup_job_filename}"

Outputs the following on the console:

mysql Backup Starting on example-db for example at 1647370800. Filename: mysql_example_example-db_202200315-000000.sql.bz2

Post backup

If you want to execute a custom script at the end of a backup, you can drop bash scripts with the extension of .sh in the location defined in DB01_SCRIPT_LOCATION_POST. Also to support legacy users /assets/custom-scripts is also scanned and executed.See the following example to utilize:

$ cat

# #### Example Post Script
# #### $1=EXIT_CODE (After running backup routine)
# #### $2=DB_TYPE (Type of Backup)
# #### $3=DB_HOST (Backup Host)
# #### #4=DB_NAME (Name of Database backed up
# #### $5=BACKUP START TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $6=BACKUP FINISH TIME (Seconds since Epoch)
# #### $7=BACKUP TOTAL TIME (Seconds between Start and Finish)
# #### $8=BACKUP FILENAME (Filename)
# #### $10=HASH (If CHECKSUM enabled)
# #### $11=MOVE_EXIT_CODE

echo "${1} ${2} Backup Completed on ${3} for ${4} on ${5} ending ${6} for a duration of ${7} seconds. Filename: ${8} Size: ${9} bytes MD5: ${10}"
  ${f} "${exit_code}" "${dbtype}" "${dbhost}" "${dbname}" "${backup_routines_start_time}" "${backup_routines_finish_time}" "${backup_routines_total_time}" "${backup_job_filename}" "${filesize}" "${checksum_value}" "${move_exit_code}

Outputs the following on the console:

0 mysql Backup Completed on example-db for example on 1647370800 ending 1647370920 for a duration of 120 seconds. Filename: mysql_example_example-db_202200315-000000.sql.bz2 Size: 7795 bytes Hash: 952fbaafa30437494fdf3989a662cd40 0

If you wish to change the size value from bytes to megabytes set environment variable DB01_SIZE_VALUE=megabytes

You must make your scripts executable otherwise there is an internal check that will skip trying to run it otherwise. If for some reason your filesystem or host is not detecting it right, use the environment variable DB01_POST_SCRIPT_SKIP_X_VERIFY=TRUE to bypass.


This image has capabilities on sending notifications via a handful of services when a backup job fails. This is a global option that cannot be individually set per backup job.

Parameter Description Default
Custom Notifications

The following is sent to the custom script. Use how you wish:

$1 unix timestamp
$2 logfile
$3 errorcode
$4 subject
$5 body/error message
Parameter Description Default
NOTIFICATION_CUSTOM_SCRIPT Path and name of custom script to execute notification.
Email Notifications

See more details in the base image listed above for more mail environment variables.

Parameter Description Default _FILE
MAIL_FROM What email address to send mail from for errors
MAIL_TO What email address to send mail to for errors. Send to multiple by seperating with comma.
SMTP_HOST What SMTP server to use for sending mail x
SMTP_PORT What SMTP port to use for sending mail x
Matrix Notifications


curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password", "user":"myuserid", "password":"mypass"}' ""

Copy the JSON response access_token that will look something like this:

Parameter Description Default _FILE
MATRIX_HOST URL ( of Matrix Homeserver x
MATRIX_ROOM Room ID eg \! to send to. Send to multiple by seperating with comma. x
MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN Access token of user authorized to send to room x
Mattermost Notifications
Parameter Description Default _FILE
MATTERMOST_WEBHOOK_URL Full URL to send webhook notifications to x
MATTERMOST_RECIPIENT Channel or User to send Webhook notifications to. Send to multiple by seperating with comma. x
MATTERMOST_USERNAME Username to send as eg tiredofit x
Rocketchat Notifications
Parameter Description Default _FILE
ROCKETCHAT_WEBHOOK_URL Full URL to send webhook notifications to x
ROCKETCHAT_RECIPIENT Channel or User to send Webhook notifications to. Send to multiple by seperating with comma. x
ROCKETCHAT_USERNAME Username to send as eg tiredofit x


Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

bash docker exec -it (whatever your container name is) bash

Manual Backups

Manual Backups can be performed by entering the container and typing backup-now. This will execute all the backup tasks that are scheduled by means of the BACKUPXX_ variables. Alternatively if you wanted to execute a job on its own you could simply type backup01-now (or whatever your number would be). There is no concurrency, and jobs will be executed sequentially.

  • Recently there was a request to have the container work with Kubernetes cron scheduling. This can theoretically be accomplished by setting the container MODE=MANUAL and then setting MANUAL_RUN_FOREVER=FALSE - You would also want to disable a few features from the upstream base images specifically CONTAINER_ENABLE_SCHEDULING and CONTAINER_ENABLE_MONITORING. This should allow the container to start, execute a backup by executing and then exit cleanly. An alternative way to running the script is to execute /etc/services.available/10-db-backup/run.

Restoring Databases

Entering in the container and executing restore will execute a menu based script to restore your backups - MariaDB, Postgres, and Mongo supported.

You will be presented with a series of menus allowing you to choose:

  • What file to restore
  • What type of DB Backup
  • What Host to restore to
  • What Database Name to restore to
  • What Database User to use
  • What Database Password to use
  • What Database Port to use

The image will try to do auto detection based on the filename for the type, hostname, and database name. The image will also allow you to use environment variables or Docker secrets used to backup the images

The script can also be executed skipping the interactive mode by using the following syntax/

`restore <filename> <db_type> <db_hostname> <db_name> <db_user> <db_pass> <db_port>`

If you only enter some of the arguments you will be prompted to fill them in.


These images were built to serve a specific need in a production environment and gradually have had more functionality added based on requests from the community.


  • The Discussions board is a great place for working with the community on tips and tricks of using this image.
  • Sponsor me for personalized support


  • Please, submit a Bug Report if something isn't working as expected. I'll do my best to issue a fix in short order.

Feature Requests

  • Feel free to submit a feature request, however there is no guarantee that it will be added, or at what timeline.
  • Sponsor me regarding development of features.


  • Best effort to track upstream changes, More priority if I am actively using the image in a production environment.
  • Sponsor me for up to date releases.


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.


Backup multiple database types on a scheduled basis with many customizable options







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