Automatic response manager addon for Hexchat
Add an automatic response :
/RESPOON ADD <name> <server> <channel> "<trigger>" MSG|CMD <action>
List every automatic responses :
Show properties of a specific response :
Edit an automatic reponse :
/RESPOON EDIT <name> <server> <channel> "<trigger>" MSG|CMD <action>
Remove an automatic reponses :
Property <trigger>
is in regex format. Keep double-quote around if the regex contains spaces.
You can use those escape sequences in the <action>
property :
- {user} : the nick of the user
- {message} : the full message that has been sent
- {server} : the server where the message has been sent
- {channel} : the channel where the message has been sent
- {params[x]} : the match of your regex at index 'x'
/RESPOON ADD hello_resp * #mychannel ^Hello.+$ MSG Welcome {user} !
/RESPOON ADD eat_muffin * * "^Who wants a muffin ?$" CMD ME eat the muffin !
/RESPOON EDIT eat_muffin * * "^Who wants a (.+) ?$" CMD ME eat the {params[0]} !
/RESPOON DELETE eat_muffin