I am Shuhei(pronounces as shoe-hey, like 👟👋), a Frontend Developer based in Vancouver 🇨🇦 from Japan 🇯🇵 Please call me Shu.
- 🔎 Core Skills & Interests: Love to explore a new technology, passionate about crafting exceptional user experiences.
- 🚩 Goals: Focusing on becoming a front-end developer, aiming to master full-stack development and build robust application.
- 🧔 Personality: A curious and collaborative individual with a passion for sharing and experiencing different cultures and ideas.
- 🎉 Hobbies: basketball⛹️♂️, hiking🥾, camping🏕️ , and beer🍻. A true outdoors enthusiast!
🌐 Here is ➡️ My Portfolio
This logo represents me.(I created by myself) Each of the shape and color has meanings.
It represents my last name in Kanji, Ota (pronounces similar to 'ought')
which is written as "大" and "田". The logo layers these two characters.
Yellow: Represents joy and happiness, which I convey through my words.
Blue: Represents strength and royalty, which I demonstrate through my actions
Red: Represents enthusiasm and passion within me