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⚠️ Warning: This project is no longer maintained. Use at your own risk and consider looking for alternatives or forks that are currently maintained.

Partial native implementation of the liquid ruby gem in C.


Add these lines to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'liquid', github: 'Shopify/liquid', branch: 'main'
gem 'liquid-c', github: 'Shopify/liquid-c', branch: 'main'

And then execute:

$ bundle


require 'liquid/c'

then just use the documented API for the liquid Gem.


  • Input strings are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded strings
  • Tag#parse(tokens) is given a Liquid::Tokenizer object, instead of an array of strings, which only implements the shift method to get the next token.


To compare Liquid-C's performance with plain Liquid run

bundle exec rake compare:lax

The latest benchmark results are shown below:

$ bundle exec rake compare:lax
/home/spin/.rubies/ruby-3.0.2/bin/ruby ./performance.rb bare benchmark lax

Running benchmark for 10 seconds (with 5 seconds warmup).

Warming up --------------------------------------
              parse:     2.000  i/100ms
             render:     8.000  i/100ms
     parse & render:     2.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
              parse:     29.527  (± 3.4%) i/s -    296.000  in  10.034520s
             render:     89.403  (± 6.7%) i/s -    896.000  in  10.072939s
     parse & render:     20.474  (± 4.9%) i/s -    206.000  in  10.072806s

/home/spin/.rubies/ruby-3.0.2/bin/ruby ./performance.rb c benchmark lax

Running benchmark for 10 seconds (with 5 seconds warmup).

Warming up --------------------------------------
              parse:    10.000  i/100ms
             render:    18.000  i/100ms
     parse & render:     5.000  i/100ms
Calculating -------------------------------------
              parse:     90.672  (± 3.3%) i/s -    910.000  in  10.051124s
             render:    163.871  (± 4.9%) i/s -      1.638k in  10.018105s
     parse & render:     50.165  (± 4.0%) i/s -    505.000  in  10.077377s


bundle install
# run tests
bundle exec rake


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request