This Plugin will generate a PHP File that contains a Class with a static Associative Array with the key being the Input File and the value being the Output.
This Plugin was inspired by webpack-php-manifest
Example Output
// generated PHP Manifest
class EsbuildPluginPhpManifest {
static $files = [
"test.js" => "out/test-2XYBNIBO.js"
That File can then be used to include the generated assets. I'd advise to use a hash for cache busting purposes.
Sample Usage inside a PHP File
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/manifest.php"; ?>
<script src="<?= EsbuildPluginPhpManifest::$files["test.js"] ?>"></script>
npm install -D esbuild esbuild-plugin-php-manifest
const esbuild = require('esbuild');
const phpManifestPlugin = require('esbuild-plugin-php-manifest');{
entryPoints: ['test.js'],
bundle: true,
metafile: true, // this is needed to the plugin can generate the manifest
outdir: './out/',
plugins: [
pathPHPManifest: 'manifest.php',
The following Plugin Options are available
string | undefined
Optional Path for the generated PHP Manifest File
string | boolean | undefined
If true
or undefined
it will use the hash provided by esbuild
. false
will not use a hash and if passed a string
it will append the string
to the file name.
Optional function that has the signature rewriteManifest(key: string, value: string): [string, string]
So it gets passed the key (the original file name) and the value (the output) and it should return a tuple [newKey: string, newOuput: string]
Optional Class Name for the generated PHP File, defaults to EsbuildPluginPhpManifest