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  • Create IAM role
  • Create EC2 Instance with t3.medium Machine type
  • Attach created IAM role With AWS EC2 instance
  • Insatall Kubectl
  • Install Eksctl
  • Install awscli
  • Create EKS Cluster using eksctl commands
  • Config IAM OIDC Provider

1. Create IAM role:

Open the IAM console at

In the left navigation pane, choose Roles.

On the Roles page, choose Create role.

On the Select trusted entity page, do the following:
a. In the Trusted entity type section, choose AWS Service
b. For Service or Use case, choose EC2. (because we are going to acces EKS through EC2)
c. Choose** Next**

On the Add permissions page, do the following:
a. On the Filter policies box, enter AdministratorAccess
b. Select the check box to the left of the AdministratorAccess returned in the search.
c. Choose Next.

On the Name, review, and create page, do the following:
a. For Role name, enter a unique name for your role, such as AmazonEKS_Access_Role
b. Under Add tags (Optional), add metadata to the role by attaching tags as key–value pairs.
c. Choose Create role.

2. Create EC2 Instane with t3.medium machine type:

Open the Amazon EC2 console at

From the EC2 console dashboard, in the Launch instance box, choose Launch instance, and then choose Launch instance from the options that appear.

Under Name and tags, for Name, enter a descriptive name for your instance.

Under Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image), do the following:
a. Choose Quick Start, and then choose Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This is the operating system (OS) for your instance.

Under Instance type, from the Instance type list, you can select the hardware configuration for your instance.
a. Choose the t2.micro instance type.

Under Key pair (login), for Key pair name, choose the key pair that you created when getting set up.

Click on Launch instance

3. Attach created IAM role With AWS EC2 instance:

In Instance info, Select the check box to the left of the running instance which was created before.

In right top side, Go to action. Click on it.

In bottom side of Action Menu, click on Security > click on Modify IAM role.

In search bar, search your IAM role and select it.

Click on attach role.

Then connect with EC2 Instance and Install following tools:

4. Insatall Kubectl:

Kubectl is a command line tool that you use to communicate with the Kubernetes API server.

For Linux

curl -O
chmod +x ./kubectl
mkdir -p $HOME/bin && cp ./kubectl $HOME/bin/kubectl && export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
kubectl version --client

5. Install Eksctl:

eksctl is a simple command line tool for creating and managing Kubernetes clusters on Amazon EKS. eksctl provides the fastest and easiest way to create a new cluster with nodes for Amazon EKS. For the official documentation, see

For Linux

# for ARM systems, set ARCH to: `arm64`, `armv6` or `armv7`
PLATFORM=$(uname -s)_$ARCH

curl -sLO "$PLATFORM.tar.gz"
# (Optional) Verify checksum
curl -sL "" | grep $PLATFORM | sha256sum --check
tar -xzf eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz -C /tmp && rm eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin
eksctl version

6. Install awscli:

The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell.

For Linux:

curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install
aws --version

7. Create EKS Cluster using eksctl commands:

eksctl create cluster --name eksdemo --region us-west-1 --instance-selector-vcpus=2 --instance-selector-memory=4

For more customization details look at and

Afrer EKS Cluster is Created

When first installing kubectl, it isn't yet configured to communicate with any server. If you ever need to update the configuration to communicate with a particular cluster, you can run the following command.

aws eks update-kubeconfig --region region-code --name my-cluster

Replace region-code with the AWS Region that your cluster is in. Replace ** my-cluster** with the name of your cluster.

8. Config IAM OIDC Provider:

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider --name eksdemo --region us-west-1 --approve


Creating and Deploying Application on EKS using AWS






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