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LUIS (Love UI System) is a flexible graphical user interface (GUI) framework built on top of the Löve2D game framework. LUIS provides developers with the tools to create dynamic, grid-centric, layered user interfaces for games and applications.


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LUIS: Love UI System

LUIS (Love User Interface System) is a flexible graphical user interface (GUI) framework built on top of the Löve2D game framework. LUIS provides developers with the tools to create dynamic, grid-centric, layered user interfaces for games and applications.

LUIS: Samples

Look at our LUIS-Samples

A LUIS UI-Editor made with LUIS.


Feature Description
Flexible Layout Uses a grid-based system and FlexContainers for easy UI layout
Layer Management Support for multiple UI layers with show/hide functionality & Z-indexing for element layering
Theme Support Global theme customization, Per-widget theme overrides
Customizable Theming Easily change the look and feel of your UI elements
Widget API Core system for loading and managing widgets (widgets themselves are optional and loaded dynamically)
Event Handling Built-in support for mouse, touch, keyboard, and gamepad interactions & focus management
Responsive Design Automatically scales UI elements and interaction based on screen dimensions
State Management Tracks and persists element states to save and load configurations
Extensibility Modular design allowing easy addition of new widgets or removing unneeded widgets (see Widget Types section)
Debug Mode Toggle grid and element outlines for easy development

Note: These features are all part of the LUIS core library (core.lua), which has zero dependencies! You can use the core library on its own and implement your own widgets for a lightweight UI system for Löve2D without any additional dependencies.

Widget Types

LUIS comes with a variety of pre-built widgets to create rich user interfaces. While the following widgets are included, they are completely optional and are only loaded when you specify a widget folder during initialization. This modular approach allows you to use only the widgets you need or create your own custom widgets:

  1. Button: Interactive clickable elements
  2. Slider: Adjustable value selector
  3. Switch: Toggle between two states
  4. CheckBox: Select multiple options
  5. RadioButton: Select one option from a group
  6. DropDown: Select from a list of options
  7. TextInput: User text entry field (single-line)
  8. TextInputMultiLine: Multi-line text entry
  9. ProgressBar: Display progress or loading status
  10. Label: Display a text label
  11. Icon: Display graphical icons
  12. ColorPicker: Choose and Select a color
  13. Node: A node to build an interactive NodeGraph
  14. DialogueWheel: Circular interface that presents selectable options in a radial format
  15. Custom: Add your own drawing function
  16. FlexContainer: Special container for flexible layouts

Getting Started

  1. Install Löve2D: You can download Löve2D from here.

  2. Clone the LUIS Library into your project:

    git clone
  3. Include LUIS in Your Löve2D Project:

    -- Initialize LUIS
    local initLuis = require("luis.init")
    -- Direct this to your widgets folder.
    local luis = initLuis("luis/widgets")
  4. Create and Manage UI Elements: Use LUIS functions to define layers, add UI elements, and manage their states.


Here's a simple example to create a FlexContainer with two buttons and a slider (press 'TAB' for debug view):


local initLuis = require("luis.init")

-- Direct this to your widgets folder.
local luis = initLuis("luis/widgets")

-- register flux in luis, some widgets need it for animations
luis.flux = require("luis.3rdparty.flux")

function love.load()
    -- Create a FlexContainer
    local container = luis.newFlexContainer(20, 20, 10, 10)

    -- Add some widgets to the container
    local button1 = luis.newButton("Button 1", 15, 3, function() print("Button 1 clicked!") end, function() print("Button 1 released!") end, 5, 2)
    local button2 = luis.newButton("Button 2", 15, 3, function() print("Button 2 clicked!") end, function() print("Button 2 released!") end, 5, 2)
    local slider = luis.newSlider(0, 100, 50, 10, 2, function(value)
        print('Slider value:', value)
    end, 10, 2)


    -- Add the container to your LUIS layer
    luis.createElement(luis.currentLayer, "FlexContainer", container)

    love.window.setMode(1280, 1024)

local time = 0
function love.update(dt)
	time = time + dt
	if time >= 1/60 then	
		time = 0


function love.draw()

function love.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)
    luis.mousepressed(x, y, button, istouch)

function love.mousereleased(x, y, button, istouch)
    luis.mousereleased(x, y, button, istouch)

function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == "escape" then
        if luis.currentLayer == "main" then
    elseif key == "tab" then -- Debug View
        luis.showGrid = not luis.showGrid
        luis.showLayerNames = not luis.showLayerNames
        luis.showElementOutlines = not luis.showElementOutlines


The FlexContainer is a powerful widget that allows for dynamic and responsive layouts:

  • Drag and Resize: Containers can be moved and resized at runtime
  • Auto-arranging: Child elements are automatically arranged within the container
  • Nested Containers: Create complex layouts by nesting FlexContainers
  • Padding Control: Adjust spacing between child elements

Example usage:

local container = luis.newFlexContainer(30, 30, 10, 10)
local button1 = luis.newButton("Button 1", 15, 3, function() print("Button 1 clicked!") end, function() print("Button 1 released!") end, 5, 2)
local button2 = luis.newButton("Button 2", 15, 3, function() print("Button 2 clicked!") end, function() print("Button 2 released!") end, 5, 2)


luis.createElement(luis.currentLayer, "FlexContainer", container)

Custom Widgets

LUIS supports the creation of custom widgets to extend its functionality:

  1. Create a new Lua file in the luis/widgets directory
  2. Define your widget's properties and methods
  3. Implement the required functions: new(), update(), draw(), and click()
  4. Use the setluis() function to access the core LUIS library

Example of a custom widget:

local customWidget = {}

local luis
function customWidget.setluis(luisObj)
    luis = luisObj

function, height, row, col)
    local widget = {
        type = "CustomWidget",
        width = width * luis.gridSize,
        height = height * luis.gridSize,
        position = - 1) * luis.gridSize, (row - 1) * luis.gridSize),
        update = function(self, mx, my)
            -- Update logic here
        draw = function(self)
            -- Drawing logic here
        click = function(self, x, y)
            -- Click handling logic here
    return widget

return customWidget

Widget Decorators

LUIS supports the Decorator pattern, allowing you to dynamically add visual effects and behaviors to widgets. Each widget includes built-in support for decorators that can modify their appearance without changing their core functionality.

Example usage:

-- Create a button with a glass morphism
local button = luis.newButton("Glassmorphism Button", 15, 3, onClick, onRelease, 5, 2)
button:setDecorator("GlassmorphismDecorator", {1, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, 15)  -- Glass morphism with size 15

-- Create a button with a glow effect
local button = luis.newButton("Glowing Button", 15, 3, onClick, onRelease, 5, 2)
button:setDecorator("GlowDecorator", {1, 0.5, 0, 0.5}, 15)  -- Orange glow with size 15

-- Create a button with a 9-slice border
local button2 = luis.newButton("Bordered Button", 15, 3, onClick, onRelease, 5, 2)
button2:setDecorator("Slice9Decorator", borderImage, 10, 10, 10, 10)  -- 10px borders

Available decorators:

  • GlassmorphismDecorator: Implements a modern glassmorphism effect with customizable transparency, blur, borders, and shadows.
  • GlowDecorator: Adds a customizable glow effect around the widget
  • Slice9Decorator: Implements 9-slice scaling for bordered widgets


For more detailed information on the LUIS API, including layer management, input handling, theming, and state management, please refer to the LUIS core documentation.


  • Löve2D: The game framework used for rendering and managing game objects.
  • The core library has zero dependencies, so you write your own widgets to have a lightweight ui system (see basic_ui_sample ).

known Problems

  • DropBox: Selection with the gamepad-analogstick works not for all choices
  • FlexContainer - dropdown select is not possible via gamepad-analogstick
  • TextInput - when changing Theme, we have to adjust the fontsize in TextInput widgets
  • TextInputMultiLine not setConfig/getConfig


This project is licensed under the MIT License with additional terms - see the LICENSE file for details. Important: Use of this software for training AI or machine learning models is strictly prohibited. See the LICENSE file for details.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


LUIS (Love UI System) is a flexible graphical user interface (GUI) framework built on top of the Löve2D game framework. LUIS provides developers with the tools to create dynamic, grid-centric, layered user interfaces for games and applications.








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