assetnote Manually Generated Wordlists
best-dns-wordlist.txt, 2m-subdomains.txt
---------------------------Collecting subdomain----------------------------
=>subdomain enum from bunch of resource
amass with api key in config.ini
$ amass enum -d example.com -passive -o amass_subdomain.txt
subdinder with api key in provided-config.yalm
$ subfinder -d example.com -silent -t 100 -nc -all > subfinder_subdomain.txt
assetfinder the tool made by tomnomnom
$ assetfinder --subs-only example.com | tee assetfinder_subdomain.txt
------------------bruteforcing for subdomain--------------------
$ puredns burteforce /path/to/subdomain.txt example.com -w puredns_bf_domain.txt -r resolver.txt
----------------------collecting subdomain in one wordlist--------------------
$ cat amass_subdomain.txt subfinder_subdomain.txt assetfinder_subdomain.txt puredns_bf_subdomain.txt | sort -u | anew collected_subdomain.txt
-------------------permutation subdomain---------------
$ gotator -sub collected_subdomain.txt -perm /path/to/permutation_wordlist.txt -depth 1 -numbers 10 -mindup -adv -md -silent > subs_to_resolve.txt
-------------------resolving the permutation wordlist-----------
$ puredns resolve subs_to_resolve.txt -r resolvers.txt --write valid_alt_domain.txt
----------------------------creating a wordlist----------------------
$ cat collected_subdomain.txt valid_alt_domain.txt | sort -u | tee subdomain.txt
------------------------------collecting url-----------------------------
$ cat subdomain.txt | gau --blacklist png,jpg,jpeg,img,svg,mp3,mp4,woff,woff1,woff2,css | tee gau_url.txt
$ cat subdomain.txt | hakrawler -t 1 -d 3 | tee crawled.txt
for js
cat crawled.txt | grep example.com | grep ".js$"
------------------------------------using httpx----------------------------
$ cat gau_url.txt | httpx -sc -td -server -ip -cname -json -o httpx.json -mc 200 -x POST GET TRACE OPTIONS
--------------------------------searching alive subdomain---------------------
$ cat subdomain.txt | httprobe | tee alive.txt
------------------------------------using aquaton--------------------------
$ cat subdomain.txt | aquatone
-------------------------------------port scaning--------------------------
for below 50 subdomain
$ nmap -sC -sV -sT -T2 -iL subdomain.txt -oN nmap.txt -vv
large list of subdomain
___subdomain to ip
$ cat subdomains.txt | xargs -n1 host | grep "has address" | cut -d" " -f4 | sort -u > ips.txt
$ masscan -iL ips.txt -p0-65535 --rate=10000 -oL scan.txt
----------------------directory burteforcing------------------
$ ffuf -w wordlist.txt -u https://example.com/FUZZ