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SickChill Developer Windows Setup

miigotu edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

You will need to install the following software packages in order to download and run the SickChill development application.
This guide makes the assumption that your development computer is running Windows 10 or 11 with 64-bit architecture. This guide also assumes you have a valid login account with github.
If you do not have an account, head over to and click on Sign Up in the upper right-hand corner and create an account.

Once you have finished installing Git, NodeJS, and Yarn, you are ready to clone the SickChill repository

  1. Navigate to the main SickChill git repository at
  2. Then click on Fork in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Fork the sickchill repository to your own repository
  4. Open the git command line utility. You must run it as Administrator in order for the dependencies installation to complete successfully.
  5. Navigate to a folder you wish to install SickChill under.
  6. Now you can clone your own github repo to your computer using the following commands:
    git clone<<your github username>>/sickchill.git
    cd sickchill
    git remote add upstream
    git fetch upstream
    git checkout -b frontend upstream/develop
  1. Now we are ready to install the SickChill developer instance with the following commands
  2. Run the following commands to install the SickChill dependencies:
    pip install poetry
    yarn --dev
    poetry install --with speedups --with frontend --with dev
  1. If you get the following warning when running the poetry install above:
    Warning: poetry.lock is not consistent with pyproject.toml. You may be getting improper dependencies. Run poetry lock [--no-update] to fix it.
    Then run poetry lock --no-update – Then re-run the poetry install command afterwards.
  2. Now we can run SickChill in development mode using the new flask webserver:
    poetry run sickchill --flask
  1. The new development SickChilll should now be running on port 8082, you can access the development instance by navigating to https://localhost:8082
  2. Happy development!