This is the first thing I have tried with Selenium, in the next days Im going to try even more things and im going to update this page once I have something more complex, until then I have this automation test that basically access the specified url, find a textbox where it will write whatever I input and press the send button.Fast and simple.
from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import By
import time
service = Service(executable_path='./chromedriver')
chrome_browser = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)
assert 'Selenium Easy Demo' in chrome_browser.title
assert 'Show Message' in chrome_browser.page_source
#This is how we grab the input field of the browser and type something inside it
input_text = chrome_browser.find_element(By.ID, 'user-message')
input_text.send_keys('Automated message engaged!')
#This will slow things a little bit so the browser won't detect the selenium automation as a robot
#This is how we grab the button on the page and actually click it
show_message_button = chrome_browser.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME,'btn-default')
#This is how we grab the message that's being output after we click the button
output_message = chrome_browser.find_element(By.ID,'display')
assert 'Te iubesc mult de tot gogosica mea!' in output_message.text
chrome_browser.quit() #Is going to completely close the chrome driver so all the session gets closed