Basic phone input deeply customizable with slots
using npm
npm install base-vue-phone-input
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import PhoneInput from './index'
const tel = ref('')
const res = ref()
v-model="tel"// for phone number
@update="res = $event"// for phone number object />
{{ res }}
{{ tel }}
But this input is meant to be customized
- You can set preferred-countries, ignored-countries or have only-countries
- Multi options to getting country code : By default the component get the country code via the browser (disable it with no-use-browser-locale) or you can use fetch-country to get the country code via (network needed) - you can use default-country-code option instead to set one
- Phone number formatting while typing
- You can search your country in list (open countries list & type your country name)
- Keyboard accessibility (Arrow down, Arrow up: Countries list navigation - Escape: Close countries list)
- Phone number example for each country in placeholder
- Fully cusstomizable with slots
Prop name | Description | Type | Values | Default |
modelValue | @model Country calling code + telephone number in international format |
string | - | undefined |
countryCode | @model Country code selected - Ex: "FR" |
CountryCode | - | undefined |
placeholder | Placeholder of the input | string | - | undefined |
label | label of the input | string | - | undefined |
preferredCountries | List of country codes to place first in the select list - Ex: ['FR', 'BE', 'GE'] | Array | - | undefined |
ignoredCountries | List of country codes to be removed from the select list - Ex: ['FR', 'BE', 'GE'] | Array | - | undefined |
onlyCountries | List of country codes to only have the countries selected in the select list - Ex: ['FR', 'BE', 'GE'] | Array | - | undefined |
translations | Locale strings of the component | Partial | - | undefined |
noUseBrowserLocale | By default the component use the browser locale to set the default country code if not country code is provided | boolean | - | |
fetchCountry | The component will make a request ( to get the location of the user and use it to set the default country code | boolean | - | |
customCountriesList | Replace country names | Record | - | undefined |
autoFormat | Disabled auto-format when phone is valid @default true |
boolean | - | true |
noFormattingAsYouType | Disabled auto-format as you type @default false |
boolean | - | false |
countryLocale | locale of country list - Ex: "fr-FR" @default {string} browser locale |
string | - | undefined |
excludeSelectors | Exclude selectors to close country selector list - usefull when you using custom flag | Array | - | undefined |
Event | Return |
input | AsYouType value (emit when new value is enter on phone number input && when a country is choosed) |
update | All values (Result type) |
Props | Action |
ArrowDown | Navigation down in countries list |
ArrowUp | Navigation up in countries list |
Escape | Close countries list |
Name | Description | Bindings |
selector | Change the country selector component | input-value String - current selected country code - Ex: "FR" updateInputValue - action for changing country code by passing country code countries - array of all countries |
input | Change the input component | input-value String - phone number value updateInputValue - action for updating phone value placeholder - placeholder |
phoneInput: {
placeholder: 'Phone number',
example: 'Example:',
Two ways to translate the country list:
<PhoneInput country-locale='fr-FR' />
FR: 'France',
BE: 'Belgique',
DE: 'Allemagne',
US: 'Etats-Unis',
Results emitted by @update or @data event
export type Results = {
isValid: boolean
isPossible?: boolean
countryCode?: CountryCode
countryCallingCode?: CountryCallingCode
nationalNumber?: NationalNumber
type?: NumberType
formatInternational?: string
formatNational?: string
uri?: string
e164?: string
rfc3966?: string
Country type
export interface Country {
iso2: CountryCode
dialCode: CountryCallingCode
name: string