Use the following command in a python virtual environment for a known working config:
# python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
OR you can use a docker container like the following: - psdk-doc-docker
$ git clone
To build the documentation a DEVFAMILY and OS must be specified as either an
argument to make
or set as environment variables prior to execution of make
DEVFAMILY represents the Device Family. Possible values correspond to the names
of directories listed under configs/
. For example:
- "AM335X" (representing AM335X family)
- "AM437X" (representing AM437X family)
- "AM57X" (representing AM57X family)
- "AM64X" (representing AM64X family)
- "AM62X" (representing AM62X family)
- "AM62AX" (representing AM62AX family)
- "AM62PX" (representing AM62PX family)
- "AM65X" (representing AM65X family)
- "DRA821A" (representing DRA821A)
- "J721E" (representing Jacinto 7 ES)
- "J7200" (representing Jacinto 7 VCL)
- "J721S2" (representing Jacinto 7 AEP)
- "J784S4" (representing Jacinto 7 AHP)
- "J722S" (representing Jacinto 7 AEN)
- "GEN" (representing General family not listed above)
- "CORESDK" (representing CORESDK)
OS represents the operating system. Possible values correspond to the second
parameter of files listed under the configs/<DEVFAMILY>/
directory. For
example AM57X_linux_toc.txt
means that linux
is a valid OS value.
Example build commands:
Build linux documentation for AM335X
$ make DEVFAMILY=AM335X OS=linux
Build rtos documentation AM57X
$ make DEVFAMILY=AM57X OS=rtos
Build android documentation for AM62X
$ make DEVFAMILY=AM62X OS=android
Open the index page in a web browser
linux: ./build/processor-sdk-linux-<FAMILY>/esd/docs/[version]/index.html
rtos: ./build/processor-sdk-rtos-<FAMILY>/esd/docs/[version]/index.html
android: ./build/processor-sdk-android-<FAMILY>/esd/docs/[version]/index.html
Add the following to your init.vim
to automatically use the standard
whitespace values for RST files:
autocmd FileType rst set tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 expandtab