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KitchenApp API-Template

An auth and user microservice

This template is a work in progress. Please make suggestions and improvements.


git clone
cd KitchenApp-api-template
npm install


This API requires two RS512 public / private key pairs to facilitate JWT Auth.

1. Create a RS512 public / private key pair on a linux / mac environment:

mkdir keys && cd keys
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f [NAME].key
# Don't add passphrase
open rsa -n [NAME].key -pubout -outform PEM -out [NAME]
At this point you should have a public and private key with the specified name in the directory.
❗ You will need two public / private key pairs for access tokens and refresh tokens

2. Initialize a new local PostgreSQL database and update envs/env_local

3. Run migrations

npm run local_migrations 
# npm run dev_migrations
# npm run prod_migrations

Running Server:

npm run local
# npm run dev
# npm run prod


  • NPM
  • Dedicated Local PostgreSQL database

Project Components:

  • index.js
  • Configurations (config)
  • Dependencies (node_modules)
  • Middlewares (middlewares)
  • Migrations (migrations)
  • Models (models)
  • Helpers (helpers)
  • Routes (routes)
  • Dockerfiles, Gitlab-CI files


index.js is the entrypoint for the express application. It houses the application code to start a server on a specified port and to connect routes.

Changing Port (Default 8000):

To change the default port change the port variable in index.js

$const port = 8000

Make sure to change the default port to 8000 before pushing code to GitHub

Configurations 🔧

All database configurations are located in configfolder

  • Local Development Configuration => local
  • Local Testing Configuration => local_test
  • Gitlab CI Testing Configuration => test
  • Development Branch Configuration (Blue) => development
  • Production / Master Branch Configuration (Green) => production


All dependencies in this project are managed through NPM.


$ npm install

* A list of all dependencies and devDependencies are available in package.json


Middleware functions are executed in the middle after an incoming request and before a response.

This application has placeholder code for auth and permissions middleware.

  • Auth middleware is used to authorize a user by validating any authorization token
  • Permission middleware is used to check ownership of a resource.

All middlewares are located in middlewares/directory

Migrations & Models

This application uses Sequelize to manage models and database migrations.

Create a Model: (migration is auto-generated)

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize model:create --name [name_of_your_model] --attributes [list_of_attributes]

Create a Migration:

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize migration:generate --name [name_of_your_migration]

Running migrations:

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate

All models can be found in the models/ directory and migrations can be found in the migrations/ directory

Response Helpers

Response Helpers are pre-built responses meant to reduce code redundancies and improve error handling.

This application has sample response helpers that output success(200), bad (400), and error(500) responses.

All response helpers are located in response_helpers/ directory

Routes & Router

Routes define the endpoints where requests can be made. Express Router defines all routes.

In this template index.js route file serves a hub for all routes.

All routes are located in routes/ directory


Seeders provied by Sequelize are used to manage all data migrations, and to populate testing databases with initial placeholder values.

Seeders should only be used for testing environments.

Creating a seed:

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize seed:generate --name [seed_name]

Running all seeds:

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all

Undoing all seeds:

$ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:undo:all

All seeders are located in seeders/ directory


This projects uses mocha and chai frameworks for endpoint testing. All tests will run in Gitlab CI.

⚠️ Please ensure all tests pass locally before pushing to Gitlab CI

Creating a test:

  • Write your tests in {your_test_name}.js file
  • Add your tests in main.js require('./{your_test_name}.js')

Running tests:

$ npm test

To view the logic behind the scenes for testing, please refer to scripts section in package.json

All tests are located in tests/ directory


Dockerfiles define all commands to assemble a docker image for aws deployments.

Docker images are automatically generated and stored during development or production phases of Gitlab CI pipelines.

This template contains two Dockerfiles:

  • prod.Dockerfile defines a production environment image
  • dev.Dockerfile defines a development environment image

⚠️ Please ensure all changes made to a Dockerfile are functional


An express template






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