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Project Overview

This repository contains a microservices-based application demonstrating the integration of OpenTelemetry and SigNoz for observability. It's designed to showcase how different services such as orders, payments, products, and users can be monitored in a distributed system.

Setup Instructions


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed
  • Node.js installed
  • Access to MongoDB

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd opentelemetry-signoz-sample
  2. Build and run the services using Docker Compose

    docker-compose up --build

Technology Stack

  • Backend: Node.js with Express
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Observability: OpenTelemetry, SigNoz
  • Containerization: Docker, Docker Compose

Project Structure

  • order-service/: Contains all files related to the Order service including its Dockerfile and server logic.
  • payment-service/: Contains all files for the Payment service.
  • product-service/: Manages the Product service files.
  • user-service/: Holds the User service files.
  • docker-compose.yml: Defines how the Docker containers are built, run, and interconnect.

Important Files

  • server.js: Each service directory contains a server.js which is the entry point for that service, defining APIs and connecting to the database.
  • Dockerfile: Used to build Docker images for each service.

Key Endpoints

Each service offers several endpoints for interacting with the application:

  • Orders

    • GET /orders: Retrieves all orders, including user details.
    • POST /orders: Creates a new order and updates the product stock.
  • Payments

    • GET /payments: Lists all payments.
    • POST /payments: Processes a payment for an order.
  • Products

    • GET /products: Fetches all products.
    • POST /products: Adds a new product to the inventory.
  • Users

    • GET /users: Returns all registered users.
    • POST /users: Registers a new user.

Building the Application from Scratch

If you prefer to build the application from scratch rather than cloning, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the project structure as outlined above, creating directories and necessary files for each service.
  2. Write Dockerfiles for each service to containerize the applications.
  3. Create the Docker Compose file to define and run multi-container Docker applications.
  4. Implement the server logic in server.js for each service to handle API requests and interact with the database.
  5. Integrate OpenTelemetry to capture telemetry data and configure it to communicate with SigNoz for visualizing data.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Service discovery issues: Ensure all services are correctly referenced in docker-compose.yml and network configurations are correct.
  • Database connectivity issues: Double-check MongoDB URIs and network access settings in Docker.
  • Endpoint failures: Verify that all routes are correctly implemented and tested. Check server logs for detailed error messages.
  • Configuration errors in Docker Compose: Ensure that ports, volumes, and dependency definitions are correct.


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