An object mapper for the Evernet NWMLS Soap Web Service
Rails >= 4.0.0 < 4.2.7
Put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'nwmls', :git => ""
Then bundle:
% bundle
Create the initializer:
% ./bin/rails generate nwmls USER_ID PASSWORD SCHEMA_NAME
You can omit the arguments for the generator and set the values in the initializer later
Edit config/initializers/nwmls.rb to set your Evernet credentials:
Evernet::Connection.user = 'XXXXX' Evernet::Connection.pass = 'XXXXX'
In this intializer you can also set the SchemaName for your query results using the Evernet::Connection.schema_name setting. The default is StandardXML1_2. Supported schemas include:
The Nwmls::Listing.find method will return an array of Nwmls::Listing objects if given a hash. The possible keys for that hash are:
:property_type :status :county :area :city :begin_date :end_date :office_mls_id :agent_mls_id :bedrooms :bathrooms
Nwmls::Listing.find(:property_type => "RESI", :status => "A", :city => "Seattle")
The options for :property_type are “RESI”, “COND”, “BUSO”, “COMI”, “FARM”, “MANU”, “MULT”, “RENT”, “VACL”. If the :property_type key is not supplied then “RESI” is the default
There are subclasses of Nwmls::Listing based on the property types. Your result objects are returned as instances of these classes. You can also use find with these classes, for example
Nwmls::Listing.find(:property_type => "COND")
is equivalent to
The supported subclasses are
Nwmls::ResidentialListing #RESI Nwmls::CondominiumListing #COND Nwmls::BusinessOpportunityListing #BUSO Nwmls::CommercialListing #COMI Nwmls::FarmListing #FARM Nwmls::ManufacturedHomeListing #MANU Nwmls::MultiFamilyListing #MULT Nwmls::RentalListing #RENT Nwmls::VacantLandListing #VACL
The find method also takes an optional second parameter. This is an array of filters. The filters work similarly to a select clause in a SQL statement. It limits which attributes are returned in the results. For example
Nwmls::Listing.find(:status => "A", ['LN','PTYP',UD])
would return all active residential listings but only the listing_number, property_type, and update_date attributes. This feature is useful when you are doing finds that return a large number of Listing objects
If you give find the key :listing_number then a single result will be returned instead of an array. Example:
Nwmls::Listing.find(:listing_number => '454186')
Conveniently, you can also find a single listing with:
If you add the following to your config/initializers/nwmls.rb initializer file:
Nwmls::Model.attribute_mode = :raw
The model will act in “raw” mode. This means that attribute’s names and values will be returned exactly as they are represented in the Evernet schema. For example, Nwmls::Listing objects will have attribute LN instead of listing_number. Values for boolean attributes are returned as strings “1” and “0”. Attributes that return arrays will return | delimited strings.