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Design : API

Jon Seed edited this page Aug 25, 2016 · 4 revisions

The API component provides the back end functions called by the API. These functions provide a way to easily and safely manage the replication solution.

See the API Reference for information on using the APIs.

The component structure is meant to match the api resources.


tables/get.js     -     [src]

Gets DynamoDB table data. This function does a full table scan and returns the result.

tables/replications/post.js     -     [src]

Adds a new replication. This function adds a new item to the controller table int the VALIDATE_SOURCE step.

tables/prefixes/delete.js     -     [src]

Deletes a replication. This function updates the replication item in the controller table, setting its step to STOP_REPLICATION.

tables/prefixes/post.js     -     [src]

Adds a new prefix to be replicated. This function adds a new entry to the prefix table.

tables/prefixes/delete.js     -     [src]

Removes a repicated prefix. This function removes the entry for the prefix from the prefix table.

tables/metrics/get.js     -     [src]

Gets metric data. This function retrieves metrics from CloudWatch based on the URL parameters of the request.