Parses Debian control files
gem install debian-control-parser
require 'debian_control_parser'
Foo: bar
Answer-to-Everything: 42
Ding: dong
Zingo: zongo
several lines
in a paragraph
are of course allowd
Final: field
parser =
parser.paragraphs do |paragraph|
paragraph.fields do |name,value|
puts "Name=#{name} / Value=#{value}"
require 'debian_control_parser'
Foo: bar
Answer-to-Everything: 42
parser =
parser.fields do |name,value|
puts "Name=#{name} / Value=#{value}"
If you need to parse control files used by Debian and its derivatives like Ubuntu or Linux mint you can use this gem. Control files are used in various places like the Packages (list of binary packages), Sources (list of source packages) or Release (information about a release, the supported architectures and their software packages).
I needed a parser for the rewrite of the debshots which is a rewrite of the web application tha runs and similar web sites.
You can find the formal specification of the layout of control files in the Debian Policy Manual.
I'm aware that there is at least one other parser for control files. But it reads the entire file into memory. This is not always feasible because some control files grow very large and require a lot of RAM to parse.
This class works as an iterator and lets you parse paragraphs and fields one by one. Only paragraphs are read into memory because they are usually smaller.
Certain control files like "Packages" are split into several blocks that are seperated by newlines.
Example with three paragraphs:
Name10: Value10
Name11: Value11
Name20: Value20
Name21: Value21
Name30: Value30
Name31: Value31
Each of these paragaphs consists of fields that have a name and value each.