GroupChat is an instant messaging webapp built from scratch for my personnal portfolio. This project is not intended to generate profit, but the source code is open source and anyone interested can fork the project and do whatever he wants with.
Have a look to the live version , this readme or its dedicated blog post to learn more about the project structure and the technologies involved.
In case you want to share problems or tips, please go ahead, it is very much appreciated! 😇
In order to run the project locally, you must have node and npm installed globally.
Clone the project and install dependencies in both frontend and backend directory.git clone
cd GroupChat/frontend && npm install
cd GroupChat/backend && npm install
# backend/.env
JWT_SECRET=<Any string you want>
# frontend/.env
REACT_APP_CLOUDINARY_API=<Your cloudinary api>
REACT_APP_CLOUDINARY_SECRET=<Your cloudinary secret>
cd GroupChat/frontend && npm start
cd GroupChat/backend && npm start
- build: Base directory for the live version. It gets updated when you run "npm run build"
- public: index.html and template page.
- src: JavaScript entry point and it is where all the logic lives.
- assets: Pictures and logos.
- components: Presentational and dynamic react components.
- views: Call it pages if you prefer, views are build by combining components together.
- redux: Redux related logic (global state management).
- utils: Helper functions, data and middlewares.
- controllers: Database related actions.
- models: MongoDB / Mongoose models definition.
- routes: API routes.
- app.js: Entry point.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux: State container.
- TypeScript: JavaScript superset.
- Material UI: Beautiful UI library.
- SCSS: CSS preprocessor.
- Node: JavaScript runtime.
- Express: Node library for building REST API.
- MongoDB: NoSQL Database.
- SocketIO: Enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication.