This package provides a validator that ensures strong passwords in Laravel 4 applications. It is influenced a lot by PasswordStrengthBundle for Symfony 2.
It is in a early stage of development but should fulfill its purpose.
This Validations provided include:
- contains alphabetic characters
- contains numeric characters
- contains mixed case characters
#History [0.5.3]
- Added new version to composer.json
- Small changes in
- Minimum requirement (PHP 5.4 because of array chains) is now recognized by composer.json
- The package works properly now when other extensions of laravel's validator are implemented (like unique-with).
- The package is able to take localization overwrites now as described in the laravel docs
- Fixed: Package validator doesn't overwrite custom validation errror messages any more. Not functional tested though because I have no clue how to set up a test which controls the passing of variables from the password strength package to the native validator INSIDE the package's test folders. Any suggestions?
Add the following in your composer.json
"require": {
"schuppo/password-strength": "dev-master"
You have to set in composer.json
"minimum-stability": "dev"
to make it work.
Because it is in such an early stage it is not a good idea to use it in production environments. Seriously. (By the way, this is my first contribution on GitHub and to Laravel so don't be too harsh.)
If you trust me that the code is unit tested you don't have to download the package's dev dependencies. Updating the application with composer udate --no-dev
is best choice then.
To start using the package, you have to add it to the arraykey providers
in app/config/app.php
// app/config/app.php
return array(
// ...
'providers' => array(
// ...
// ...
Now Laravel's native Validator
class is extended by three rules:
- case_diff
- numbers
- letters
You can apply these rules as described in the validation section on Laravel's website
$v = Validator::make(
'password' => '12345QWERTqwert',
'password' => 'case_diff|numbers|letters')
$v->passes(); // returns true;
Notice that you can validate any value with the new rules. This only reason why this package is called "Password Strength Package" is that it describes its foremose purpose.
This package is under the MIT license. See the complete license:
##Reporting Issues or Feature Requests
Issues and feature requests are tracked on GitHub.