This bot will handle miscellaeous moderation functions including an antispam filter - users who spam will be banned! It currently uses Discord Anti-spam code.
To use, rename config-TEMPLATE.json
to config.json
and replace all values with the corect information for your bot/server. Then run the bot with node bot.js
or forever start bot.js
(to keep it running perpetually)
It also comes with some moderation & other commands:
Moderator Commands:
.announce [channel] [message]
- Sends an announcement (Embed) to the specified channel
.ban @user [reason]
- Bans the user specified, and logs to the logging channel
.prune [user] [#]
- Deletes [#] of messages from a channel by a specified user
.unban [userid] [reason]
- Unbans the user ID specified and logs to bot-logs channel
Admin Commands:
.delete [#]
- Deletes messages from a channel. Currently restricted to the Owner role, and requires the to have the 'Manage Messages' permission.
.say [channel] [message]
- Speaks as the bot
.setbot [type] [arguments]
- Allows you to change the bots game: .botgame [playing | listening | watching [text].
Miscellaneous user commands:
- Displays information about AutoMod
.help [<category>]
- Displays all commands available within this bot.
.roleinfo [role name]
- Displays information about the entered role, including a list of users.
.myinfo [<user ID>]
- Displays information relating to the user: name, roles, etc. If a user's ID is specified this will query the user, otherwise the command author will be displayed.
Owner Commands
.emit <type>
- Emits an event for testing
.eval [script]
- Payload testing; logs variable payload to console for testing reasons.
.reload [command]
- Reloads the bots command to allow edits to take effect. Currently this is restricted to the owner of the bot
- Stops the bot. Currently this is restricted to the owner of the bot.
.ts [whatever]
- Test Command Pls Ignore