This is main SST CTF hub for writeups. These writeups will be split into each CTF competition, and all will have a description of the problem, the writeup solution, and any additional files from the problems.
More information will be added soon
The writeups are organized by CTF. Each CTF competition will have its own directory, inside this directory each writeup has its own directory. Every CTF problem writeup has the writeup itself (found in the and extra problem contents (such as files and zips from the problem) and any extra problems used in solving the problem.
+---Juniors CTF
| \---[10 writeups]
| \---...
Link to this GitHub page. Link to our CTF (Programming) team / club.
If you have any questions, feel free contact us:
Juniors CTF
- Andrew Quach
- Tamir Enkhjargal
- Otakar Andrysek
- Stanislav Lyakhov
More coming soon