InspIRCd is a modular C++ Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server for UNIX-like and Windows systems.
This repository contains additional modules contributed and maintained by the users of InspIRCd.
The primary interface to this repository is via the modulemanager
binary shipped with InspIRCd.
If you do not have this or do not wish to use it, you can download directly from this repository.
Copy or symlink the modules you wish to use to src/modules/ in the InspIRCd directory.
Then just rerun make
and make install
Modules in this repository are not officially supported by the InspIRCd development team.
See the module author comments in the module files to find the author.
You may be able to find the author or others who use the module in #inspircd on
Please make it clear you're asking about a contrib module!
/// $ModAuthor: w00t
/// $ModAuthorMail:
/// $ModConfig: <syncbans channels="#a,#b,#c">
/// $ModConflicts:
/// $ModDepends: core 3
/// $ModDesc: Provides ircd-side fantasy commands.
/// $ModMask: mask reason (e.g., deprecated or obsolete)