Show users Bio Link in kiwiIRC UserBox
IRC allows you to share very little bio data with other users. Using lets you link to all your pages — websites, social posts, videos, music, bio, photo — making it easier for your audience to discover all your content.
Using you can also enter a dogecoin tipping jar following TipMysite instructions.
This plugin requires Anope IRC service, a custom misc data in ns_set_misc nickserv module and a custom rest API end point to get anope misc data.
example for nickserv.conf
command { service = "NickServ"; name = "SET BIOLINK"; command = "nickserv/set/misc"; misc_description = _("Associate a BIOLINK url with your account ( )"); }
if you use Magirc for your rest API create a custom API to get misc data :
in magirc rest/service.php add :
$magirc->slim->get('/nmisc/{user}', function($req, $res, $args) use($magirc) {
return $res->withJson($magirc->service->getNMisc($args['user']));
this will add the ns misc API endpoint (example:{account} )
in magirc lib/magirc/services/Anope.class.php add :
public function getNMisc($user) {
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM anope_db_NSMiscData WHERE nc = :user");
$ps = $this->db->prepare($query);
$ps->bindValue(':user', $user, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$array = array();
while ($data = $ps->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$array[ltrim($data['name'], 'ns_set_misc:')] = $data['data'];
return $array;
To support this project you can send a donation to the following accounts:
- DOGE: DEqpxyKcz8cEWXA2xobFmot9jCG6TbGWRY