- Go inside of the main directory in your terminal
sh ./setup.sh
(Checks to see if you have not already installed brew, python(Version 3), mitmproxy, and websocket)yarn
yarn dev
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR FIRST TIME USERS You only need to do this once
- When you first run
yarn dev
, wait for the App to load and then click the lightbulb. - Once the lightbuilb is lit up, it will run another instance of chrome but it will have a welcome message like below.
- Just click
Start Google Chrome
- go to the url
once the browser opens - Click on the apple logo. (Chrome will download the certificate inside of your download folder)
- change directory in your terminal to the download folder
- run the command below
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem
- You're all set!
The application will ONLY sniff requests/responses only on that new chrome instance that the application opens up for you.
React.js | Redux | Electron | Node.js | Socket.IO | mitmproxy |