It is a weather forecasting application which give you information about the weather of a particular location . It show temperature, wind speed, humidity, weather of next few days. It is responsive application. These are the features of the weather app:
API Integration:
- Used a weather API (OpenWeatherMap) to fetch real-time weather data.
User Location:
- Implemenedt a feature to automatically detect the user's location using Geolocation API.
Weather Display:
- Display current weather conditions, temperature, humidity, wind speed, and any other relevant information.
Search Functionality:
- Allow users to search for weather information in specific locations.
- Include a forecast section to display weather predictions for the next few days.
Visual Design: -Visually appealing interface with icons and images representing different weather conditions.
Responsive Design: -The app is responsive and works well on various devices.
Error Handling:
- Implemented error handling for cases where the location or weather data cannot be retrieved.