Scripts to produce portal lists from various sources.
All scripts are written in TypeScript.
a script to list all data publishers at ArcGIS Open Data and information:
- name
- total number of datasets
- last updated date
run the script with
ts-node arcgis-source.ts
a csv file will be generated at result/arcgis-sources.csv
a script to list all data portals at Socrata and information:
- url
- total number of datasets
run the script with
ts-node socrata.ts
a csv file will be generated at result/socrata-portals.csv
a script to list all data portals at OpenDataSoft and information:
- name
- url
- total number of datasets
- updated
run the script with
ts-node opendatasoft.ts
a csv file will be generated at result/opendatasoft-portals.csv