is a Python script to get weather from Openweather published to a MQTT (message queue) broker.
You'll need an Openweather account (free) and your city ID.
As Openweather API calls are rate limited, the application will re-publish same data every seconds, waiting for next possible API call.
can be used as a standalone Python script or as a Docker container.
Git clone the project:
git clone
cd openweather-mqtt
Install Python requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Configure through environment variables (those are default values if nothing given):
# Openweather account to use
export OPENWEATHER_APP_ID=<your application identifier>
# Openweather city identifier
export OPENWEATHER_CITY_ID=<your city identifier>
# MQTT broker host
export MQTT_SERVICE_HOST=mosquitto.local
# MQTT broker port
# MQTT broker topic to publish measures
export MQTT_SERVICE_TOPIC=home/livingroom
# MQTT client ID (default will be the hostname)
export MQTT_CLIENT_ID=openweather-mqtt-service
Launch application:
python3 ./
You should see output printed:
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG ################################################################################
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # OPENWEATHER_APP_ID=<your application identifier>
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # OPENWEATHER_CITY_ID=<your city identifier>
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # MQTT_SERVICE_HOST=mosquitto.local
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # MQTT_SERVICE_PORT=1883
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # MQTT_SERVICE_TOPIC=openweather
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG # MQTT_CLIENT_ID=openweather-mqtt-service
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] DEBUG ################################################################################
2020-03-02 14:21:52,232 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO Connecting to OpenWeather for fresh weather information.
2020-03-02 14:21:52,239 [urllib3.connectionpool] DEBUG Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2020-03-02 14:21:52,291 [urllib3.connectionpool] DEBUG "GET /data/2.5/weather?id=*******&appid=********************************&type=accurate&units=metric&lang=fr HTTP/1.1" 200 491
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO base ---> stations
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO clouds/all ---> 100
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO cod ---> 200
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO coord/lat ---> 47.34
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO coord/lon ---> 0.7
2020-03-02 14:21:52,293 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO dt ---> 1583154828
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO id ---> 3027343
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/feels_like ---> 2.37
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/humidity ---> 71
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/pressure ---> 992
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/temp ---> 9.36
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/temp_max ---> 10.56
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO main/temp_min ---> 7.78
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO name ---> Chambray-lès-Tours
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO rain/1h ---> 1.02
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO sys/country ---> FR
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO sys/id ---> 6537
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO sys/sunrise ---> 1583130913
2020-03-02 14:21:52,294 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO sys/sunset ---> 1583171020
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO sys/type ---> 1
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO timezone ---> 3600
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO visibility ---> 10000
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO weather/0/description ---> pluie modérée
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO weather/0/icon ---> 10d
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO weather/0/id ---> 501
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO weather/0/main ---> Rain
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO wind/deg ---> 280
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO wind/speed ---> 8.2
2020-03-02 14:21:52,295 [openweather-mqtt-service] INFO Publishing to mosquitto.local:1883
An image is available on Docker Hub: rsaikali/openweather-mqtt
Needed environment is obviously the same as the standalone script mechanism, described in the Dockerfile:
docker run --name openweather-mqtt \
--restart=always \
--net=host \
-tid \
-e OPENWEATHER_APP_ID=<your application identifier> \
-e OPENWEATHER_CITY_ID=<your city identifier> \
-e MQTT_SERVICE_HOST=mosquitto.local \
-e MQTT_SERVICE_TOPIC=home/livingroom \
-e MQTT_CLIENT_ID=dht22-mqtt-service \
To build an linux/arm/v7
docker image from another architecture, you'll need a special (experimental) Docker multi-architecture build functionality detailled here: Building Multi-Arch Images for Arm and x86 with Docker Desktop
You'll basically need to activate experimental features and use buildx
docker buildx create --use --name build --node build --driver-opt network=host
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 -t <your-repo>/openweather-mqtt --push .