New version of BlueprintEditor for Space Engineers
The tool for easy editing blueprints of the game Space Engineers
Program include Blueprint calculator with mod support
English and Russian localization!
GitHub Releases (lastest version)
Updates are automatic! See Releases
- Сonvenient select blueprint
- Sorting and searching blueprints
- Editing grid & block properties
- Repairing grid
- Fast change vanila armor type for grid
- Color replacer for grid
- Mass block deleting
- Editing inventories
- Automatic backup before editing
- Included image converter
- Blueprint calculator with mods
- Blueprint Size/Mass/PCU/JumpDrive/Energy/Acceleration calculate
- Copy workshop blueprints to local
- Create world with mods from cache
- Steam Workshop Downloader for blueprints and worlds
Version startup window
Version editor window
Version calculator window
- All of you - For supporting this project
- MoryakSPb - For helping - Discord (Andromeda)