Hello! Thanks for reading this instruction manual. Using Task Manager is very simple. The program automatically manages the task list for you!
To create a new task, you must ensure all fields are filled in, a Task name, Date, and Description! Then, simply, click on the "Add" Button.
To remove a task, you must select the Task Name by the view on the left side of the window, then, simply click the "Delete" button. To remove all tasks, click "Clear All"
To edit a task, make sure the one you want to change is selected in the left side, then, replace what you like in the name, date, or description field. Then, click the "Edit" button.
Marking an item as complete is very simple. All you have to do is make sure the task you want marked as done is selected in the left hand side, then click, "Mark as Done".
Viewing certain tasks is very easy in Task Manager. All you have to do is click the Settings Menu, mouse over to "Display" and click which view you like. Task Manager supports viewing only complete, incomplete, or all tasks.
In order to save your list of tasks, you must click the "File" button in the Menu, then, "Save". A new window will appear, prompting you to select a location for your file, and its name. It will save as a CSV file. Note, these files are not Compatabile with Microsoft Excel, all rights reserved.
To load, click the "File" button in the menu, then "Load". A new window will appear, prompting you to select a location where you previously saved a CSV export of your tasks list.