Rebol3 extension for Mathematical Expression Parser And JIT Compiler. Using Petr Kobalicek's MathPresso code.
This is an example of the initial syntax.
mp: import 'mathpresso
;; initialize a mathpresso context with given number of input/output variable names
ctx: mp/context [x y step amplitude result]
;; compile an expression using the context
expr: mp/compile :ctx "y=sin(x); x=x+step; result=round(y*amplitude)/100"
;; To evaluate the expression, we need to provide a vector containing double values of count
;; eaqual or greater than number of variables used to create the evaluation context (5 in this case)
data: #(double! [0 0 0 10000 0]) ; used in the expression like x, y, step, amplitude and result values
;; initialize the step onput value using Rebol only
data/3: pi / 30
;; Evaluate expression (preferably multiple times)
loop 31 [ probe mp/eval :expr :data ]
;; Values in the data vector are updated...
probe data
;; one context may be shared with multiple expressions
expr2: mp/compile :ctx "y=sin(x)+cos(x/2); x=x+step; result=round(y*amplitude)/100"
loop 31 [ probe mp/eval :expr2 :data ]
Feel free to let me know if something could be improved.
Initialize MPContext handle with given variable names
Block with variable names used by expressions
Compile math expression using the given context
Math expression
Evaluate precompiled math expressions using given variables
Variables in a double format