The minimum deployment target is iOS 15.
You can install the Siteimprove SDK using the Swift Package Manager or by manually downloading and adding it to your project.
In Xcode, add a package dependency to your project using the following URL:
The XCFramework can be downloaded from our release page. After unzipping, place the XCFramework in the Framework Search Paths of your Xcode project, import it into the project, and configure it to Embed & Sign
Our suggestion for configuring the Siteimprove AppAnalytics is to do so in the AppDelegate. You must provide an API key as well as region - r1 or r2. Information about API key and region can be found within the Siteimprove platform
The following is an example of how this could be done:
import SiteimproveAppAnalytics
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
Siteimprove.shared.configure(apiKey: "Your-API-Key", region: "r1")
return true
- Configure the SDK
public func configure(apiKey: String, region: String)
- Track search event
public func trackSearchEvent(query: String, isSuccessful: Bool, numberOfResults: Int)
- Track custom event
public func trackCustomEvent(k: String, a: [String : String])
At present, the SDK is capable of tracking the following events:
- This event is triggered when the app is launched.closed
- This event is triggered when the app is closed.foreground
- This event is triggered when the app is brought to the foreground, recorded as put_in_foreground in the logs.background
- This event is triggered when the app is sent to the background, recorded as put_in_background in the logs.
- This event is triggered when a screen is displayed.dismissed
- This event is triggered when a screen is dismissed.
To enable the screen tracking functionality of the SDK within SwiftUI views, developers are required to utilize an additional modifier named tagScreen. This modifier is responsible for conveying crucial metadata pertaining to the currently displayed screen.
- screenName: A string that represents the unique identifier of the screen.
- navTitle(optional): A string that represents the navigation title of the screen.
Here's an example of how to use the tagScreen modifier in a SwiftUI view:
import SwiftUI
import SiteimproveAppAnalytics
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Hello World")
.tagScreen("Home", "Home Navigation")
- Track search events by providing query, isSuccessful as well as numberOfResultscustom
- Track custom events by providing k as the key of the event as well as attributes associated with the event specified as a set of key/value pairs.
- Tracking search event
To track a search event, use the trackSearchEvent method when a user performs a search. This could be in the search bar’s action or on a search results page.
func performSearch(query: String) {
// Filtering a list of results based on the query
let filteredComponents = performFiltering(for: query)
Siteimprove.shared.trackSearchEvent(query: query,
isSuccessful: !filteredComponents.isEmpty,
numberOfResults: filteredComponents.count)
query: The search query entered by the user.
isSuccessful: A Bool indicating if results were found.
numberOfResults: An Int representing the number of results found.
- Tracking custom event
Use trackCustomEvent to track custom user actions in the app, such as refreshing the cart, completing a checkout, or any other custom user interaction.
func refreshCart() {
Siteimprove.shared.trackCustomEvent(k: "cart.refresh",
a: [
"guest": "true",
"currency": "USD",
"cart.item_count": "10",
"cart.value": "249.99"
- k: The event key describing the type of event ("cart.refresh" in this example).
- a: A dictionary of key-value pairs detailing attributes of the event. Here, we’re providing cart details like item count and value.
Note: When using the trackCustomEvent method, it is crucial to ensure the uniqueness of the keys in the attributes dictionary. Duplicate keys are not recommended. If duplication occurs, the first instance of the key-value pair will be prioritised, and subsequent duplicates will be ignored. Please take care to avoid key duplication to ensure accurate event tracking.