Demo for illustrating the use of class clusters for iOS6/iOS7 support
####Purpose This is a demo for a talk I'm giving at CocoaHeads MeetUp, November 19, 2013, in Cleveland, OH. The goal is to show how to use the Class Cluster paradigm to have the app tell which iOS you are running, and allocate the relevant subclass of a cluster to your view controller to display iOS version-aware content and controls. (this is also an attempt to show how to get iOS7, as of now with 7.0.3 and Xcode 5.0.2, to get UISearchDisplayControllers to work "properly" on the iPad, with a hack from Peter Steinberger (@steipete)).
####Comments Comments were intentionally left in the code, as well as NSLog statements, to illustrate via the console which iOS you're using and what methods are being called when using the Simulator or your device.
- email: bj@sixfivesoftware
- twitter: @bjmillerltd
- @bjmiller