This API provides a mechanism for send email or SMS messages to users of the Digital Apprenticeship Service.
The API wraps underlying email and SMS service providers such as SMTP services, SendGrid, Notify, etc.
Build status
To send a new email:
POST http://host:port/api/email/
"templateId": "email_template_id",
"subject": "A test email",
"recipientsAddress": "",
"replyToAddress": "",
"tokens": {
"Key1": "value1",
"Key2": "value2",
"Key3": "value3"
- templateId is the identifer for the email template to be used (eg. a SendGrid template ID)
- subject is the email subject
- recipientsAddress is the email address to send the message to
- replyToAddress is the "reply to" address that will show as the sender
- tokens is an array of key/value pairs which are used to replace placeholders in the email body
The API uses Azure Active Directory to enforce authorised access to the API methods. When not running locally, callers must have a valid client id and secret.
Supported permissions are:
The API now supports multiple Gov Notify services. To use a different service, pass a SystemId with the email or SMS that matches the ServiceName in the configuration described below. If the system id is blank or not found in configuration then the default Apprenticeship Service api key will be used.
To configure your service, add an element to the ConsumerConfiguration array inside "NotifyServiceConfiguration"
in DAS Employer Config. This can be done via the build pipeline using the environment variableGovNotifyConsumerConfiguration
"ConsumerConfiguration": [
"ServiceName": "YourSystemId",
"ApiKey": "samplekey-11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111-22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222"
The API Key should be a V2 API Key obtained from the Gov Notify portal.
To set up a dotnet core app to Send Emails.
Create a config object for NServiceBus
"NServiceBusConfiguration": {
"SharedServiceBusEndpointUrl": "Endpoint=sb://",
"NServiceBusLicense": ""
Obtain a license from DevOps and populate NServiceBusLicense.
Add references to:
Add something like this to your app:
public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions
private const string EndpointName = "SFA.DAS.[YOUR APP]";
public static IServiceCollection AddNServiceBus(this IServiceCollection services)
return services
.AddSingleton(p =>
var sp = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var configuration = sp.GetService<IOptions<NServiceBusConfiguration>>().Value;
var hostingEnvironment = p.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>();
var endpointConfiguration = new EndpointConfiguration(EndpointName)
if (hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
endpointConfiguration.UseLearningTransport(s => s.AddRouting());
endpointConfiguration.UseAzureServiceBusTransport(configuration.SharedServiceBusEndpointUrl, s => s.AddRouting());
var endpoint = Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
return endpoint;
.AddSingleton<IMessageSession>(s => s.GetService<IEndpointInstance>())
public static class RoutingSettingsExtensions
private const string NotificationsMessageHandler = "SFA.DAS.Notifications.MessageHandlers";
public static void AddRouting(this RoutingSettings routingSettings)
routingSettings.RouteToEndpoint(typeof(SendEmailCommand), NotificationsMessageHandler);
Then add services.AddNServiceBus();
to Startup.ConfigureServices
To send an email
Inject IMessageSession
into your class.
await _messageSession.Send(new SendEmailCommand(
"Your GOV Notify email template ID",
"Recipient email address",
new Dictionary<string, string>(){{"TokenKey", "TokenValue"}}));
This will allow local development to send messages which will be dropped into a .learningTransport folder in your application's root folder.
For the released app to send emails, devops will have to add a role assignment for the app service that's accessing the NServiceBus like but with Sender
instead of Owner
Devops will need to add the Azure Service Bus Data Sender role to your personal CDS account.
Once that's done, install the Azure CLI tools.
az login
(Log in with your CDS creds)
az account set --subscription [Your subscription ID]
Either configure your local app to not be development mode, or comment out the code in AddNServiceBus that switches to UseLearningTransport.