Small command line utility for sending messages via a telegram bot. This can be used to send notifications, pictures and files to a telegram chat.
For example, you can use it to set a long process running on a computer and let it inform you when it is finished
- Download and install Rust
- Build with:
cargo run --release
The compiled binary is in target/release/telegram
- Create a new bot using Botfather and get its token
- Initialise the
environmental variables using the bots token and the chat id of the chat you want to send messages to.
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<token>
export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<chat_id>
- Use the built binary to send messages via:
telegram -t Hey!
The utility can also send files and photos. Check telegram -h
for details.
You can also copy the compiled binary to /usr/bin
and add the environmental variables to .bashrc to have it accessible as the terminal command.